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New automatic pedestrian detection testing and certification system

With an increasing number of auto makers incorporating automatic pedestrian recognition and detection systems in their vehicles to avoid accidents involving pedestrians there has been a need for testing and certifying such systems. The first kind of such a system – a pedestrian detection target – has been developed jointly by two UK based companies innovITS Advance and Transport Research Laboratories (TRL). The system, which will help automakers to test and certify their systems in an accurate and repeatable manner, has a free standing human-like dummy target that can mimic the leg movements of humans during common activities such as walking and running. The motions can be configured for an adult male, adult female and a six year old child, and the dummy can be operated by remote control. The new system, combined with a unique ground truth positioning system (a system which compares estimated results with actual field results using GPS) installed at Innov ITS Advance, provides an accurate and repeatable testing facility.

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