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“Metal” Solutions to Road Safety

Timothy Popov, Head of Exports, JSC

Zavod Prodmash of Russia, is a leading manufacturer of material for road sector structures like guard rails and hot dip galvanized products. Timothy Popov, Head of Exports, JSC, says the company participation in the forthcoming TrafficInfraTech Expo will help to gain a better understanding of the Indian market and should stimulate the interest of Indian consumers to Russian manufacturers.

Zavod Prodmash sees themselves in the role of innovators in the creation of road safety systems in the Russian Federation. The Speed levels on Russian roads vary from 50 to 130 km/h and the products are tuned to all traffic and road conditions.

The range of safety barriers offered include:

  • Unilateral (DO/MO) and bilateral (DD/MD) barriers
  • Location-specific barriers (“road-installed” group and “bridge-installed” group);
  • One-level and two-level rails;
  • Two-wave (W) or three-wave (3N) beam;
  • Capacity 130 – 600 kJ;
  • Height 0.75m – 1.5m;
  • Road guardrails without console («cantilever free» – substitute to cable barrier)
  • Crash cushions (Impact attenuator)
  • TTMA (Protecting road workers, drivers and high-value equipment on the workzones)

All barrier fences of Zavod Prodmash are certified in accordance with Russian Governmental Standard (GOST) 33128-2014. Several products are also certified by authorized body according to EN 1317.

“Our production includes hot galvanizing plant with two kettles for big and small-size (e.g. fixings) products.

We galvanize in accordance with both Russian GOST 9.307 and ISO 1461. We confirm 10 years product warranty and full support with the components supplied. We use steel S235JR as the basic material, as this material was approved by European Certification Body.”

The Russian market volume of barrier fences has been 4,837 linear kilometers in 2021. According to official data, Zavod Prodmash enjoys around 30% of the market share. The mostly used are metal barriers with a holding capacity of 300-400 kJ.

“The Russian market is developing actively and is carefully monitored by state authorities for the compliance to the relevant national standards, which provide strict requirements.”

Popov adds, “We are very interested in the Indian market of road metal structures. We have been watching the dynamics and pace of development of the Regional market with big interest for a long time; so, Event in Mumbai seems as a very good opportunity. We appreciate high quality of Indian steel and highly respect your businessmen who have achieved impressive success in high-quality manufacturing. Perhaps, we can attract reliable partners; we also believe that we can share our experience in decisions for road safety as our R&D also brings some findings to the Fair.

Popov adds, “We are very interested in the Indian market of road metal structures. We have been watching the dynamics and pace of development of the Regional market with big interest for a long time. So, the event in Mumbai seems as a very good opportunity and we look forward towards a fruitful outcome. We appreciate the high quality of Indian steel and highly respect your businessmen who have achieved impressive success in high-quality manufacturing. We also believe that we can share our experiences in decisions about road safety as our R&D brings some findings to the fair.

“Our R&D shows that we are ready to demonstrate modern solutions not only in the field of road barriers. We have products developed such as:

  • Retaining walls
  • Steel items for solar plants; “greenhouses”
  • Light poles, etc.

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