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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Blog Archives

THE SMART CONNECTED VEHICLE IS HERE – Now We Need Smart Connected Roads!

In the 3rd quarter of 2014, AT&T connected more new vehicles than new smartphones for the first time. Growing to reach a 40% share, automaker and aftermarket telematics will be the dominant sector for cellular M2M connections, according to ABI Research. The next frontier to create a differentiating connected vehicle experience is to connect our vehicles to our homes, our ...

Delhi to be decongested

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi has recently announced three mega road projects that will benefit Delhi by reducing traffic congestion and pollution levels. Forming a ring around the National Capital Region (NCR), the Eastern (connecting Kundli, Ghaziabad and Palwal) and the KMP (Kundli, Manesar and Palwal) Western Peripheral Expressways were conceived almost a decade ago to ensure that non-destined commercial ...

Highway villages to be mandatory

India is proposing to introduce a new stiff clause in highway contracts that will make it mandatory for developers to provide facilities for drivers, called highway villages, on the lines of international norms. Detailed project reports (DPRs) for all upcoming highways and expressways will have a mandatory provision to include highway villages. A specialized wing would be set up at ...

New Road Safety policy for Gujarat

Gujarat ranks eighth in the country when it comes to people dying in road accidents as per the latest National Crime Records Bureau report. The figures are staggering. The State government is coming up with a state road safety policy which will ensure a “zero black spot policy”. This means that a design audit of all rural and urban roads ...

Reducing Congestion on Expressways, but Increasing Congestion in City Centres

There has been much recent talk of driverless cars, with high profile companies such as Google joining a number of leading car manufacturers in developing systems to enable driverless cars to take to the road. Richard Di Bona argues that whilst such cars may reduce congestion on segregated highways through increasing effective capacity, within city centres they may be more likely to increase congestion. It was not ...

Smart Parking in the shadow of the Leaning Tower in Pisa, Italy

The city of Pisa reinforces its role among the most innovative European Smart Cities with Smart Mobility and Smart Parking initiatives in collaboration with its technological partner firm Kiunsys to face a dramatic increase in congestion. Pisa is one of Italy’s main tourist destinations: it is universally recognized worldwide for its famous Square of Miracles, declared a World Heritage Site, and especially for its renowned Leaning Tower, one of ...

“ROAD SAFETY: First Step is to Educate People”

Diwakar Raote, Transport Minister, Government of Maharashtra talks to TrafficInfraTech on government’s thrust area for safe mobility in the state. The Transport Ministry’s thrust areas with regards to safe and convenient mobility ? We are looking at an individual whether on the road or the one driving the vehicle; here safety of both the individuals is involved. One mistake byeither one can lead to a major accident.  There ...


The race to win the future mobility services business has begun. It is wide open on how automakers (“The Lakes”) will fare v/s technology companies (“The Valley”). Andreas Mai, Director, Smart Connected Vehicles, Cisco Systems, Inc says that in the future mobility value chain will be critical to assess how IoE will transform the business. The race to win the ...

SMART Transport Solutions

LG CNS Smart Transportation Solutions provide total service, from consulting and architecture design to system implementation and technology to optimize traffic flow and facilitate ecofriendly and safe mobility. It maximizes operational efficiency and safety utilizing its smart technologies. On July 2003, LG CNS was awarded to implement a globally unique system that restructured Seoul’s public transportation network providing integrated fare collection and settlement from both buses and subways via a single smart card, and offering ...

MOBILE PHONE Data in transport

India has a tele-density of almost 80% based on the latest available figures; this figure exceeds 100% in major cities. Telecom systems keep track of where our mobile phones are at all times so that an incoming call can be routed to the phone. Hence, information about the actual mobility pattern of a large percentage of people across an area ...