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Using enforcement technology to win The casualty reduction battle

At a time when many nations are still debating the proper demployment of technology for traffic management and safety on the roads, Britain has shown that proper use of cameras can significantly lower casualties. This proves that the hesitant utilisation of technologies needs to be replaced with focused strategies on an urgent basis. BRITAIN’S roads are among the safest in ...

Active Management Strategies for Congestion Management

Mobility challenges all over the world can be addressed by strategies like managed lanes and active traffic management. These are cost-effective methods of prolonging the life and maximising the efficiency of the infrastructure that can postpone the need for major expansion projects.   Congestion in urban areas across the globe is ever increasing. “Rush hour” grows longer and leads to ...

Testing the performance of Displaced Right-Turn Intersection in mixed traffic conditions

Studies on Displaced Right-Turn Intersection design show that it is a more effective design for managing traffic at intersections instead of the conventional 4-arm design The rapid growth of road traffic in Indian cities is making the available transport infrastructure inadequate. There is a need to find alternative solutions to the problem. One such method is the Displaced Right-Turn Intersection ...