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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Blog Archives

Jiaozhou Sea Bridge can withstand earthquakes

The 26.4 miles long Jiaozhou Sea bridge of China, opened three months ago, has become an engineering marvel. It has snatched the title from the USA’s Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana by stretching by two-and-a-half miles longer. The six-lane 110 foot wide, Y-shaped bridge across the Jiaozhou bay which cost US $2.3 billion and took four years to build, has ...

Reducing Carbon Footprint using Smart Fluorescent Street Lamps

Though it plays a major role in improving road safety and reducing street crimes, street lighting is a concept neglected by authorities. The rising cost of electrical energy and pressure to reduce the impact of street lighting on green-house emissions have forced a review of policies on the issue. Here are pros and cons of the situation along with solutions for an energy efficient smart street lighting system.

Second Traffic Infra Tech Expo

If the success of the first TrafficInfraTech Expo held in February this year in New Delhi is any measure, the second one scheduled for May 2012 at Mumbai promises to be a great show. It is already generating greater expectations. For many traffic companies, it is a coming back to a different region and for the new exhibitors, it is ...