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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Blog Archives

Improving Road Safety through Smart Data

In a recent data released by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) reveals that, India had lost 1,47,913 people to road crashes in 2017, of which 48,764 were on two-wheelers, 26,869 were car crash victims, 20,457 were pedestrians deaths, and 3,559 were cyclists. This roughly amounts to an average of over 400 deaths every day on Indian roads. Over ...

IoT- Redefining Logistics

Whether manufacturing, retail, distribution, or shipping, planning and managing the flow of raw materials and finished goods through the supply chain is a challenge. Materials are often improperly shipped or stored, which can damage sensitive goods. Plus, the sheer size and capacity of a large operation can lead to disorganization in a manufacturing warehouse or distribution facility. A few years ...

Simplifying Transportation in India

India has a massive road network and is arguably the nation with the largest road network in the world. At 1.70 km of roads per square kilometer of land, the quantitative density of India’s road network is higher than that of Japan and the United States and far higher than that of China, Brazil or Russia. Rapid vehicular growth partnered ...

High-Speed Rail: A sea of opportunities for Indian Industry

The first High-Speed Rail (HSR) project in India, i.e., Mumbai- Ahmedabad HSR, is moving forward at a steady pace, and it is time for all of us to concentrate our energy into turning this project in a success story. The first system of HSR will undoubtedly be based on Japanese technology. However, for the HSR to deliver on its promises ...

Mohali gets first 3D traffic signal

Mohali became the first city in the country to have 3D smart traffic signal. The new system will have sensors which would automatically switch on the green and red signals depending upon the number of vehicles coming from that side and would reduce the time to stop at the traffic signals. The actuated signals incur high initial and maintenance costs ...

Eyes on the Trends

As Mobility Professionals, we have to try to stay aware of trends in our industry. Most of us were caught off-guard with the advent of transportation network companies (TNCs) such as Uber and Lyft and the impact they have had on curb space, traditional taxis, car-sharing, transit usage, parking demand, and traffic. What could be coming next that will affect ...

Innovative traffic light system

Researchers at the Graz University of Technology in Austria have developed a pedestrian traffic light system that can gauge pedestrians’ intention to cross the road. The system uses cameras and computer algorithms to operate traffic lights. It will be tested on Vienna’s road next year. As soon as the system senses that people are looking to cross the road, it ...

Mainstreaming road safety audits: Making Indian roads safer

Among the several government initiatives being implemented, a key one is the Road Safety Audit. Until 2014 road safety audits were rare and not required in India. A World Bank-financed initiative—the National Highways Interconnectivity Improvement Project (NHIIP)—helped introduce systematic use of design-stage road safety audits across India’s road system, starting with the project’s 1,100 km of roads. Among the changes ...

Creating Safer, Child-friendly Streets

An ideal child-friendly city integrates the voice, needs, priorities and rights of children in its public policies, programmes and decisions. An important aspect of such a city is to provide children with an opportunity to live in a safe, secure and clean environment, with access to green spaces says Vaibhav Kush, Project Associate- Cities & Transport, WRI India The situations ...

People counting for increased retail success

Counting people who enter malls or stores can help you improve customer experiences and boost your revenues Counting people who enter your mall or store throughout the day can help you to improve your operations in a number of ways. It becomes possible, for example, to precisely increase the number of staff during busy times to improve service on the ...