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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Blog Archives

There should be zero tolerance to traffic offences

Jagdeep Desai, Architect and Secretary & Founder Trustee, Forum for Improving Quality of Life in Mumbai, feels our laws are not inadequate but often, the enforcement agencies are inefficient. Here, he gives multi-pronged precautionary and remedial measures for road safety. Planning, administrative and enforcement authorities seem to make solutions as visible as possible to the public in order to show ...

Thiruvananthapuram Gets Monorail Corridor

Monorail, mooted for Kerala’s capital city, is expected to reduce dependence on personalised modes of transport and to take 40% of the present vehicular traffic off the road

Infrastructure Management Services

Egis Infra Management India Pvt Ltd offers Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services for traffic management and toll services. Services offered include toll collection, traffic and safety management, intervention on accidents, customer relationship management / service to the clients, asset management (highway & equipment maintenance) and value engineering (optimised organisation and planning of heavy repairs). Egis Infra Management can assist its ...

Using enforcement technology to win The casualty reduction battle

At a time when many nations are still debating the proper demployment of technology for traffic management and safety on the roads, Britain has shown that proper use of cameras can significantly lower casualties. This proves that the hesitant utilisation of technologies needs to be replaced with focused strategies on an urgent basis. BRITAIN’S roads are among the safest in ...

Active Management Strategies for Congestion Management

Mobility challenges all over the world can be addressed by strategies like managed lanes and active traffic management. These are cost-effective methods of prolonging the life and maximising the efficiency of the infrastructure that can postpone the need for major expansion projects.   Congestion in urban areas across the globe is ever increasing. “Rush hour” grows longer and leads to ...

Testing the performance of Displaced Right-Turn Intersection in mixed traffic conditions

Studies on Displaced Right-Turn Intersection design show that it is a more effective design for managing traffic at intersections instead of the conventional 4-arm design The rapid growth of road traffic in Indian cities is making the available transport infrastructure inadequate. There is a need to find alternative solutions to the problem. One such method is the Displaced Right-Turn Intersection ...

NFC chip from SITA to improve airline boarding

SITA (Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques) Labs, in collaboration with Orange Business Services, has developed a new check-in concept, ‘tap and board’, that promises to make journeys through airports smoother through the use of a Near Field Communication (NFC) chip. The technology will allow passengers with Smartphones having NFC chips inside them to just ‘tap and board’ or ‘tap and ...

JAIPUR BRTS When a good idea goes off track…

When Jaipur BRTS was conceived, it was supposed to solve the commuting problems of the pink city’s populace. Everything seemed to be going fine – a feasibility study, sanctioning of Rs 490 crore for its low floor air conditioned buses under JNNURM, making of Jaipur Development Authority the nodal agency to plan and implement the project, creating a Special Purpose Vehicle to oversee its bus operations but then… the project got stuck in implementation issues. And did not deliver the expected benefits. Why? Vidyottama Sharma reports.

ITS Technology Applications

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is a topic of hot discussion all over the world, especially in association with road safety and traffic management. However, the perception on, and understanding of, ITS differs across countries and cultures. So, in order to implement ITS technology applications in a sustainable manner, it is pertinent to understand ways to plan them better. A guideline.

Bringing a paradigm shift in Communication Systems for Railways

Since the last few years, a huge transformation is taking place in telecommunication technology. It has had a significant impact on the railway network. A detailed account of the technologies making their way into the various railway systems in India and the ways to apply them.