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Saturday , 27 July 2024

Blog Archives

IoT- Redefining Logistics

Whether manufacturing, retail, distribution, or shipping, planning and managing the flow of raw materials and finished goods through the supply chain is a challenge. Materials are often improperly shipped or stored, which can damage sensitive goods. Plus, the sheer size and capacity of a large operation can lead to disorganization in a manufacturing warehouse or distribution facility. A few years ...

High-Speed Rail: A sea of opportunities for Indian Industry

The first High-Speed Rail (HSR) project in India, i.e., Mumbai- Ahmedabad HSR, is moving forward at a steady pace, and it is time for all of us to concentrate our energy into turning this project in a success story. The first system of HSR will undoubtedly be based on Japanese technology. However, for the HSR to deliver on its promises ...

Mohali gets first 3D traffic signal

Mohali became the first city in the country to have 3D smart traffic signal. The new system will have sensors which would automatically switch on the green and red signals depending upon the number of vehicles coming from that side and would reduce the time to stop at the traffic signals. The actuated signals incur high initial and maintenance costs ...

Editors Page June – July 2019

Fortunately, today most of the cities around the world are following data-driven traffic management solutions to reduce congestion, accidents, and pollution. The basic aim of these solutions is to provide accurate information on the conditions of roads, bridges, tunnels, intersections, weather, traffic congestion etc and also to evaluate the causes of accidents and other factors that impact safe mobility. Intelligent ...

Global Mobility Summit

MOVE 2018, a Global Mobility Summit was organised by NITI Aayog in collaboration with various ministries and industry partners in September with an objective to facilitate vehicle electrification, renewable energy integration & job growth and also speed up India’s transition to a clean energy economy. A first of its kind summit saw over 2200 participants from across the world including ...

‘Process of approvals for road projects is fast-tracked’

Government of India has undertaken a lot of initiatives in the last three years for removing the bottlenecks in infrastructure as well as launching major new projects in Roads, Railways, Port connectivity and Urban development. The process for clearance of MOEF approvals has been fast tracked. For road projects, 80% availability of land before start of work has been made ...

NHAI to introduce Incident Management System on NHs

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) set to roll out an ‘incident management system’. Under the system, ambulances will be positioned every 50kms to be able to respond to any accident within 15 minutes of it being informed on a national accident helpline. The first phase will be rolled out in December this year, which will target the national highways ...

Smart Parking Solutions

India, the fifth startup nation in the world, has enriched its startup ecosystem with strong startup incubators. These incubators are companies or organisations that lend a strong support to the startups, beginner companies and small & medium enterprises. With the Central government taking a keen interest in the startup revolution and insisting on creating a conducive atmosphere for it, the ...

TrafficInfraTech / Parking InfraTech Expo 2016

The air is filled with excitement as Asia’s largest Traffic event is coming closer. Over 100 exhibitors from 20 countries will showcase technology and system on Traffic Management/ITS/Telematics, Safety, Toll Systems, Traffic data, Car parking technology/management, pedestrian & vehicle access control, ticketing and many more. There will be new technologies, launches and demos of new systems. The presence of Union ...

No Speed Limits

In my long writing/editing career, never before have any requests for interviews with people in power been accepted so fast and facilitated so professionally. This speaks volumes for the kind of discipline and professionalism the Road Transport & Highways and Shipping Minsiter Nitin Gadkari has brought into the Transport Bhavan. With numbers and countless projects of his “ Five Year ...