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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Blog Archives

Compact Radar System for cars

Continental, one of the prominent technology companies has recently unveiled a compact radar system for passenger cars. The new, short-range radar operates within high-resolution 77 Gigahertz (GHz) range which helps in detecting the environment at a much higher resolution and level of accuracy will replace the the 24 GHz technology currently at use. The company has enhanced the integration density ...

Improving Road Safety through Smart Data

In a recent data released by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) reveals that, India had lost 1,47,913 people to road crashes in 2017, of which 48,764 were on two-wheelers, 26,869 were car crash victims, 20,457 were pedestrians deaths, and 3,559 were cyclists. This roughly amounts to an average of over 400 deaths every day on Indian roads. Over ...

IoT- Redefining Logistics

Whether manufacturing, retail, distribution, or shipping, planning and managing the flow of raw materials and finished goods through the supply chain is a challenge. Materials are often improperly shipped or stored, which can damage sensitive goods. Plus, the sheer size and capacity of a large operation can lead to disorganization in a manufacturing warehouse or distribution facility. A few years ...

Simplifying Transportation in India

India has a massive road network and is arguably the nation with the largest road network in the world. At 1.70 km of roads per square kilometer of land, the quantitative density of India’s road network is higher than that of Japan and the United States and far higher than that of China, Brazil or Russia. Rapid vehicular growth partnered ...

High-Speed Rail: A sea of opportunities for Indian Industry

The first High-Speed Rail (HSR) project in India, i.e., Mumbai- Ahmedabad HSR, is moving forward at a steady pace, and it is time for all of us to concentrate our energy into turning this project in a success story. The first system of HSR will undoubtedly be based on Japanese technology. However, for the HSR to deliver on its promises ...

Mohali gets first 3D traffic signal

Mohali became the first city in the country to have 3D smart traffic signal. The new system will have sensors which would automatically switch on the green and red signals depending upon the number of vehicles coming from that side and would reduce the time to stop at the traffic signals. The actuated signals incur high initial and maintenance costs ...

Leading Mobility

Mobility has always been a part of our lives. However, the recent and swift evolution of inter-connectivity, mobility-as-a-service, curb management, and so many other holistic approaches to transforming the facilitation of movement means the industry needs to pause and understand its foundation. As with any paradigm shift, understanding what we know now—the foundation of existing conditions—is critical says Bridgette Brady, ...

PaaS for the Parking Industry

Modern consumer needs revolve around a seamless mobility experience, and parking is part of this. The payment process can benefit mostly from integrations and improvements using much of the existing technology. New payment methods have been widely adopted in the retail industry and these are now being integrated into parking too. These include contactless payments using debit or credit cards, ...

Editors Page June – July 2019

Fortunately, today most of the cities around the world are following data-driven traffic management solutions to reduce congestion, accidents, and pollution. The basic aim of these solutions is to provide accurate information on the conditions of roads, bridges, tunnels, intersections, weather, traffic congestion etc and also to evaluate the causes of accidents and other factors that impact safe mobility. Intelligent ...

SHIFTING GEARS: Electric Vehicle revolution in India

Realising the urgent need to re-think and revisit transport infrastructure and fuel dependency as well as the potential of EVs in doing this, the Indian government has announced plans to make the country a 100% EV nation by 2030. In line with this, in Union Budget 2018, the government allocated $40.5 million towards the development of electric and hybrid vehicles ...