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Choosing the right Road Safety Barrier

Roads and highways should be designed and constructed in a way that they ensure and guarantee safe, effective, convenient and efficient transportation. Road safety systems like Road Barriers are described as vehicle protection systems which are specially designed to protect vehicles from roadside hazards, and thereby redirecting errant vehicles in a safe manner as well as providing high levels of ...

Real-Time Ridesharing Texas Experiments with Toll Roads and Carpools

Recent trends in multi-modal planning seek to make our passenger transportation systems more efficient. What role might smartphones have in how people get where they’re going? An experiment sponsored by the United States Federal Highway Administration is underway to find out. What is real-time ridesharing? Real-time ridesharing (or “dynamic ridesharing”) apps match carpool partners at the time the trip is ...

Raahgiri Day–Apni Rahen,Apni Azaadi

Raahgiri is an attempt to reclaim what belongs to people; to build a city with bicycle paths and pedestrian avenues interwoven through its urban landscape. November 17, 2013 was a groundbreaking day in the history of Gurgaon, when 10,000 people came out of their houses to enjoy the country’s first ever car-free Sunday. Raahgiri Day had arrived! Without vehicles dominating ...

Foot over bridges and pedestrian safety in Pune

The article critically examines the suitability of building foot-over bridges and the need for a change in the pedestrians’ mindset towards safety. There is also a need for the authorities to take pedestrians and safety experts into confidence while introducing new safety measures. Pedestrians are one of the most vulnerable sections in the transportation scenario in Pune and most Indian ...

Bio-fuels in India–the need to explore alternatives

India’s bio-fuel policy has traditionally concentrated on ethanol from sugarcane molasses and biodiesel from Jatropha. But the production of both has fallen repeatedly short of the desired quantities. A major portion of India’s energy requirement is met through import of crude oil and its derivates. In the transportation sector, petrol and diesel from crude oil meet about 95% of the ...

Highway Traffic Management System

Phoenix Contact, as a partner to infrastructure industry has developed application specific solutions for the traffic industry with high infrastructure availability, better traffic conditions and timely response to the user requirements as the primary goals. High availability, reliability and flexibility for your transport infrastructure The Highway Traffic Management System (HTMS) is an integration of multiple applications functioning together. Users can ...

Speed Governors

Speed Limitation Device (SLD) from Rosmerta Technologies Ltd is a micro-controller based electronic unit which constantly monitors and controls the vehicle speed within a preset limit, thus tackling the problem of over-speeding. There are different SLDs for different types of engines: For Mechanically Controlled (Cable controlled fuel lever) Engines, there are two types: Motor Actuator Type (Ct-9) SLD which controls ...

Wire Rope Safety Barriers

Safence Wire Rope Safety Barrier from Safety First India is a Wire Rope Barrier system that is mounted on a double C section post which is tested to both EN 1317 Test Levels: N2, H1 and H2 as well as NCHRP: 350 TL-3 and TL-4 standards. The system is available with various post spacings that conform to working width levels ...

Automatic Vehicle Tracking Systems

KritiKal SecureScan (KSS), a leader in vehicle monitoring and traffic enforcement technology, has developed a GIS/GPS based Automatic Vehicle Tracking System and Emergency Response System called Dial100. Dial100, which has been produced especially for the Bihar State Electronics Development Corporation Ltd was designed to meet the needs and challenges facing the Bihar government. The first was to enhance security of ...

Solar RPM

3M India Ltd has launched a state-of-the-art, twin shanked Solar RPM TM with a full plastic body. The Solar RPM is designed for superior performance and increased run time. It comes with a unique 3600 smooth illumination and Retro-Reflective lens. The uniquely designed base and twin moulded shanks provide better anchorage for longer road presence. The Solar RPM exceeds the ...