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Interview “Bihar requires smart parking management system”

Once tagged as a leading BIMARU state in India, Bihar is successful in shedding the tag to become one of the important contributors to India’s GDP. The state, majorly known for violators is now adopting technologically advanced equipment to catch those offenders. TrafficInfraTech caught up with Sanjay Kumar Agarwal (IAS), Secretary, Transport Department and MD Bihar State Road Development Corporation who talked about initiatives the government is taking to turn Bihar into a progressive state.

Till 2018, Bihar’s transport department was not privy to any online services. How did the statewise implementation of RTPS changed the scenario?

Yes, you are correct mentioning about how we, as a state, was deprived of online services till 2018. Thanks to the state-wise implementation of Right To Public Service, which has made us compulsory to provide necessary services to the citizens. Under this, we are streamlining the procedure to acquire a driving license and many other facilities to citizens. In fact, through this system, we directly send the driving license to the owners home saving his/her time to collect it personally. Meanwhile, if any service denied under RTPS, the respective department is charged with a heavy penalty. Here, we are now answerable to the citizens. Here, we are now answerable to the citizens. We have also witnessed a 15% growth in vehicle registration which has resulted in a 100% revenue growth for the department. Now our focus is to provide quality services to the commuters using public transport. We are in the final stages of linking Aadhar card with driving license and very soon we will make it mandatory for all the vehicle owners.

What are the quality services envisaged for the citizens of Bihar, especially when it comes to ensuring seamless traffic?

We have implemented the e-Challan system in Patna city. Now, taking a cue from the city, we have issued Expression of Interest across the state. Five bank shave already approached us for providing handled devices. That apart, since Bihar have four smart cities under the Smart Cities Mission, we are deploying command and control systems in those cities. Here, the e-Challan system will be automatically integrated with the CCC.

Can you take us through more about these CCC?

We have already floated tenders for the ITMS in these cities. An integrated command and control centre (ICCC)will be implemented at Patna police headquarters premises. The ICCC will accommodate the office of PSCPL, datacentre and space for staff to monitor the activities covered through the smartpoles. The command centre would monitor traffic, and issue e-challan to commuters found jumping red light.Besides, the Bhagalpur Smart City has floated tender for ICCC project. The project will see the development of ICCC,data centre, OFC, and ITMS under the Smart Cities Mission. Even Muzaffarpur Smart City has floated tenders to select master system integrators for ICCC.

Tell us about your requirement for managing the traffic in the state?

Since we have witnessed a 15%growth in vehicle registration, the state is in a fix due to space constraints.At present, we require smart parking solutions along with multi-storey parking solutions. During the exhibition, we came across a few players which do both, and we have asked them to connect with us.Besides, we are also looking for solutions that will curb speed violation, solutions for minimum human intervention, and solutions for road fatalities.

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