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Intelligent surveillance system on Mumbai-Pune Expressway

Faced with an ever-increasing number of accidents on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway, the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) is planning to install an intelligent highway surveillance and management system on the premier expressway. The system will assist the highway police who have been facing severe limitations in traffic enforcement on the busy expressway. It will have high resolution cameras with night and all-weather visibility features and speed and red signal violation enforcement system. To enable easy monitoring of speed of vehicles, the expressway will be divided into six zones, with a gantry equipped with CCTV cameras and violation enforcement system at the entrance of each zone. The images of the licence plates of the violating vehicles will be captured using automated licence plate reader technology. The date and entry & exit timings of violating vehicles in each zone will be given by vehicle data tags. When accidents occur, the system will help authorities in directing emergency teams to the accident spot. It will also educate drivers about road safety and send out traffic information.

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