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Indore BRTS to offer hi-tech facilities

The र47 crore BRTS project proposed at Indore promises to change the face of bus commuting in Indore. The dedicated bus corridor between Niranjanpur Square and Rajiv Gandhi Square, with 22 bus stops, will have 125 low floor buses and 50 special air-conditioned buses plying on the route. The traffic signals along the BRTS corridor will be equipped with bus transit signal priority which will give the buses prioritised right-of-way at the signals – the signals will turn green when the buses arrive within 100 metres of a signal. Ticketing will be through an Automated Fare Collection (AFC) system – the ticket check gates will open automatically when the commuters take the ticket close to the gate. Commuters will have an option to buy prepaid smart cards and the bus stations will have separate queues for pre-paid and non pre-paid customers. Under a Smart Vehicle Management System using GPS and GIS (Global Information System), LCD systems at the bus stops and in the buses will display information such as the arrival time of the next bus, the next bus stop and delays in the arrival of buses. A central Operations Control Centre will monitor the overall operations using CCTVs and network surveillance, using GPS. There will be 22 bus stops on the route.

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