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Full Concrete Deck Chromium

With the  design approved by Bureau Veritas,  Essae’s Concrete deck(chromium) is an upgrade from our hybrid steel platform.

More than 60% of the Truck Scales in the Western and European markets are Concrete Decks. The excellent advantages that the concrete deck has over the conventional steel deck is a highly stable and durable platform against impact truck loads, corrosive and contaminating environments that can significantly decrease the strength of the platform and shorten the life of the weighbridge over time. Concrete decks are  effective in load distributing properties compared to steel deck  significantly improving  the accuracy and performance of the weigh bridge.


  • Capacities ranging from 10 to 150 tons and platform length from 4m to 22m.
  • Designed for rated dual and triple tandem axle loadings of 50tons and 75tons respectively.
  • Optional Galvanized Load cell mountings in cases of extreme corrosive environment.
  • Optional unmanned weighing solution (AWS) for the weighbridge.


Modular Design:

  • The Weighbridge become operational within 8 hours of being transported to the site.
  • Economical solution with high durability for trouble-free maintenance.
  • Modular configuration eases relocation at future against traditional concrete offerings at the market.
  • Meeting higher than load standards as per IRC-6, 2017 with per axle loading of 25 MT;
  • Suitable for both Pit & Pit-less machines.
  • Offers time benefit with ease of place and use.

Benefits of Platform:

  • Designed with M50 grade concrete direct from an Industrial Yard
  • Minimize construction costs.
  • Effort-less entry and exit of loaded trucks onto the platform.
  • Suitable for varied temperature ranges across India.
  • Stability is ensured through designed concrete’s self-weigh.

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