This issue of TrafficInfraTech is special to us. We have Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways and Shipping, talking to us at length about his vision of making Indian roads technology driven, efficient and comfortable. He has lined up projects, one after the other, for different modes of transport, and is able to hold them all together to achieve the ultimate goal of smart and safe mobility for India at the fastest possible time. The Minister will open the forthcoming TrafficInfraTech Expo and Parking InfraTech Expo in Mumbai on September 1. The Event has generated much greater interest than the previous editions as it has come at a time when the nation itself is moving towards safe and speedy travel be it on roads, rail, water or air.
The three day Conference to be held during the Expo has a session specially designed to discuss the role of ITS in traffic enforcement. ITS providers, Traffic Police officials and Transport Commissioners from different parts of the country will discuss the various technologies which can be adopted to regulate traffic and enforce regulations. Technology is moving very fast world over. In India, the enforcement sector has always been balancing between technology adoption and the not so easy to change road habits of its people.
Also being awaited eagerly are discussions on Smart Highways, Infrastructure Funding, Bus transport management and Urban transport management.
With this June-July issue, the magazine is completing six years of publication. It has brought to the readers information from diverse areas of traffic management and infrastructure through articles, interviews, case studies, analysis and product news.
Now back to Smart Mobility Expo: TrafficInfraTech Expo and Parking Infratech Expo. An event not to be missed by anyone connected with traffic and transport.