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Distinguished visitors grace TrafficInfraTech Expo

The ongoing TrafficInfraTech Expo 2013 saw many eminent professionals and officials from the traffic industry visiting the Show. Taj Hassan, Special Commissioner of Police (Traffic), Delhi Police who graced the event on its opening day as a speaker in one of the seminars also visited the exhibition and praised the organizers for putting up such an informative show. He said, ?While the seminars at the show offered a platform for interaction and knowledge sharing between various stakeholders the well organized, exhibition attended by diverse national and international product companies is quite relevant to traffic professionals like me. For example, the automated crane for towing away vehicles displayed at the show was an interesting system useful in current traffic scenario of metro cities.?

Chandramauli Shukla, Chief Executive Officer, Bhopal City Link Limited (Bhopal BRTS) said, ?The Seminars were quite insightful. I myself was a speaker at one of the seminars and saw that the panelists came from varied spectrums which made the interaction even more fruitful. The broad range of products on display was a value addition. For city planning we need to know the latest technologies and systems, and this is exactly what I found at the Show.?

Another visitor was Jospeh Domez, CEO, Delhi Airport Parking Services (P) Ltd. In Joseph?s words, ?I have been a visitor to the previous editions of TrafficInfraTech Expo too. Every time I have found the event to be useful as it gives me an opportunity to explore new technologies and products under one roof. This time, my entire technical team is with me to see the products on display and verify how they can be useful to us in our operations.?

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