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Delhi-Mumbai trains to run at 200kmph

Commuting time between Mumbai and Delhi by rail is expected to reduce substantially with the Railways? plan to run semi-high speed trains at 200kmph between the two cities. A study identifying the need to strengthen the infrastructure for this service is nearing completion and work is expected to begin shortly. The study is in the process of identifying bridges that need strengthening, better signalling and stretches needing easing of sharp curves for the high-speed service to be feasible. The Railways plans to use the existing lines for the high speed trains with freight trains likely to be shifted to the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC). The services are expected to start by 2017. Presently the speed of freight trains is restricted to 25kmph due to the need for freight trains to give priority to passenger trains. With the introduction of the DFC this speed will increase to 75kmph, and transit time would be reduced by about half.

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