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Tuesday , 23 July 2024


On-Road Parking Exploring Solutions

The panel discussion on “On-road parking” held during the TrafficInfraTech Expo last year in Delhi looked at the challenges of vehicle parking on streets, especially in cities.    Bhure Lal Former Chairman, FCI Chairman Environment Pollution Prevention and Control Authority If there is no mobility there will be no economic development, capital will fly away; that has been the experience ...

Integrated Parking Management

Parking is a major problem in India. There is a need for good parking management solutions. Omnitec offers many parking system solutions: Parking guidance system, RFID access systems, ANPR / LPR systems, computerized valet parking system (CVPS), On-street parking system, high security bollards & road blockers, crash-rated barriers etc. Integrated Parking Management Server (IPMS) provides automated, intelligent parking services. Today, ...

The future impact of self-driving cars

Several manufacturers have announced that they are working on self-driving cars to be introduced in the near future; what are the implications and how soon will they be on our roads? Dr. Luis Willumsen, Director of Luis Willumsen Consultancy and Visiting Professor University College London, looks at the future of self driving autonomous vehicles and how they will impact transport planning, traffic congestion and road accidents in the coming years.

Developments in Parking Technology

Today, the use of automated technology in the parking industry is revolutionising parking operations which can be used as tools to regulate traffic, provide security for vehicles as well as generate revenue for the company / organisation.

Residential Parking Permits – Managing Local Area Parking

As vehicle numbers soar unabated in Indian cities, once peaceful residential areas are becoming battlegrounds for parking, with residents also battling outsiders who usurp local parking. Ranjit Gadgil, Programme Director, Parisar, looks at how Residential Parking Permits offer a way out for tackling this problem. The principles of sustainable urban transport stress the need for cities that promote public and ...

Push to Park

A review of the developments in mechanised parking in India and its advantages.