Today, the use of automated technology in the parking industry is revolutionising parking operations which can be used as tools to regulate traffic, provide security for vehicles as well as generate revenue for the company / organisation.
Residential Parking Permits – Managing Local Area Parking
As vehicle numbers soar unabated in Indian cities, once peaceful residential areas are becoming battlegrounds for parking, with residents also battling outsiders who usurp local parking. Ranjit Gadgil, Programme Director, Parisar, looks at how Residential Parking Permits offer a way out for tackling this problem. The principles of sustainable urban transport stress the need for cities that promote public and ...
Parking in Real Estate – A marketing tool for increasing value
Options in Residential and Commercial Parking
Push to Park
Case Study:Abu Dhabi, Bringing order to Abu Dhabi?s Parking System
This study describes the work undertaken to introduce a comprehensive system of parking management to the City of Abu Dhabi. At the outset, the task was to implement a citywide parking management system as a single project. This would be equivalent to introducing the entire central London parking system, which has developed over 50 years, as a single project in ...