Seminars have always been the USP of TrafficInfraTech and ParkingInfraTech Expos. This year was no different. The topmost policymakers and who’s who of the traffic sector gathered for some serious discussions on various burning issues in the traffic/ transport industry. The inaugural day saw none other than Yudhvir Singh Malik, Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways deliver his Chief ...
Cover Story
‘Every technology Telangana wanted is exhibited here’
Mahender Reddy, Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad City says the city can look forward to a state-of-the-art ITMS project soon The State of Telangana has been quite advanced when it comes to the use of technology. Can you dwell a little on that? After the formation of Telangana State, the government has given an excellent fillip, under the guidance of the ...
Digital Innovations for Mobility
The inaugural session of the Conference on ‘Smart World & New Mobility: Breaking Barriers’ started with discussion on ‘Digital Innovations for Mobility’. The panel discussion on the first day of the Conference under the session ‘Smart Mobility in Urban Cities’ gave an insight into the government’s planning through Yudhvir Singh Malik, Secretary, MoRTH and Anil Srivastava, Adviser (Infrastructure Connectivity), NITI ...
‘Focus on improving quality of Public Transport’
Abhay Damle, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways opines that shared mobility is the future and India cannot be left behind You are convinced that the number of personal cars will get reduced sometime in future, and shared vehicles will take over. What is your vision on this trend? Well, the number of personal car ownership may not ...
‘Public Transport is the only solution’
T Krishna Prasad, Secretary, DGP – Railways and Road Safety, Telangana State tells Vidyottama Sharma that integration of Public Transport is the most important issue in mobility. Replacing 20 cars with one bus, creating a BRTS system to carry passengers alighting from Metros and providing proper last mile connectivity are issues that need serious looking into, he says. A subject ...
‘Our automobile sector is doing good work’
You have been talking seriously about Electric Vehicles (EVs) and India moving towards EVs in the next ten years. Can you tell us what ground is being laid for it? Electric Mobility is bound to happen. It’s not that we have to really put in the efforts, because everybody is pointing at the way Electric Mobility will be growing in ...
TrafficInfraTech Expo and ParkingInfraTech Expo, presented under the banner of Smart Mobility, opened their innings in South India this September at Hitex Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad. With the theme “Smart World & New Mobility: Breaking Barriers”, the shows attracted quality visitors committing to come again next year in Mumbai in October. TrafficInfraTech Expo, in its sixth year, and ParkingInfraTech expo, in ...
‘Significant effort is being made to enhance Public Transport’
Yudhvir Singh Malik, Secretary, Ministry of Transport & Highways, was the Chief Guest at TrafficInfraTech and ParkingInfraTech Expos in Hyderabad in September. Excerpts from his Chief Guest’s Address. To the limited extent that I understand smartness, I want to take you all to three scenarios. Scenario One: A farmer in a village, who is not IT savvy and uses a ...
‘Our penalty points are a big deterrent to traffic offenders’
Hyderabad City has taken many remarkable initiatives for road safety and traffic management. Dr V Ravinder, JCP-Traffic, Hyderabad City Traffic Police tells Preeti Swaminathan his many plans to bring a method to the madness on the roads Do tell us about some of the traffic technology initiatives adopted by the Hyderabad City Traffic Police. Hyderabad Traffic City Police is going ...
Smart Cities Smart Solutions
That the Government of India’s Smart City Mission is an ambitious and impressive initiative that will create 100 plus smart cities in India is a known fact by now. That the new cities, through best use of technology, will accelerate growth and improve the quality of life of people, is also evident. But what often gets overlooked in the entire ...