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Emerging Tolling Technology and implementation Challenges

Neeraj Sanghi: Highway Concessions One is operating seven projects, of which five are tolling projects and rest are annuities. In the last two years, share of ETC on our roads as a part of our revenue has increased significantly. The benefits of ETC are multi-fold as it reduces waiting time, improves the operational efficiency and saves fuel. FASTag, a scheme ...

Traffic Incident Management & Trauma Care

When an accident occurs, congestion quickly builds up and chances of a secondary incident increase. The sooner incidents are detected, the sooner safety personnel can respond to the incident and clear it from the roads thereby allowing traffic lanes to re-open and traffic to return to normal conditions. The system assists with creating a safe work zone with proper signage ...

ITS for Enforcement of Traffic Rules & Regulations

A key enabler for TM and ITS is the Traffic control center. When the number of operational tasks increases, or the size and complexity of instruments & scenarios increases, TMC could become necessary. Here, data is collected, analyzed and combined with other operational & control concepts to manage the complex transport network. It is the control entre for communicating transportation-related ...

Lucknow Metro: On the Fastest Track

The speed with which Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation is running to complete its metro corridors establishes its title as the Country’s fastest metro project. The priority section of North-South Corridor (Phase 1-A) from Transport Nagar to Charbagh is already operational for public with effect from 2017. Kumar Keshav, Managing Director, Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation– answers a few questions from TrafficInfraTech ...

Standardised Common Service Layer in IoT Applications

The debate regarding IoT and ITS have been going on for ages. IoT and ITS  have largely evolved as two separate streams within both standards and industry initiatives. Today, as most of the cars have sensors, microcomputers and communication devices fitted into them, IoT has become deeply rooted in ITS – in particular cooperative and connected automated mobility – to give ...

Women, Cities and Transport

The highlight of the Driving Smart Mobility Conference held during Smart Mobility 2018 was the ‘Women in Traffic’ session. The vibrant discussion emphasized the significance of environment sustainability and gender equity in transportation. Through two enlightening sessions, the panelists presented some key research findings on the ways that half of our population, our women and girls travel , and their ...

Technology Advances Parking Design and User Experience

Technology Advances Parking Design and User Experience

Parking structure design has tremendously advanced with the adoption of innovative technologies that enhance the user’s experience. Gary Cudney, PE, Senior Vice President, WGI also leads the Parking Solutions Division (formerly Carl Walker, Inc.) describes a new parking structure design, and the integration of a variety of materials and systems which are incorporated into many of their garage designs The ...

The Technologies that operate highways – and the leaders that run the businesses

One would have seen various initiatives across multiple sectors where associations are formed with the intent of contributing to the industry as a whole. Somehow due to the nature of roads and highways – this has not been successful so far. As a result – there is widespread belief that something must be done so that leadership of service and ...

Digital Innovation in Road Signs

In the past few years, the Industry has seen a drift in the mindset of people from “Necessity to Safety” that has led to the inclusion of innovative products that reduce working manhours and add to the performance. Attention to detail and exploring new alternates is letting road experts opt for new products and solutions. Starting from the material used ...

Accelerating mobility innovation for Better Bus transit in India

Over the last decade, India has established itself as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. With a GDP growth rate of 7.1% per annum, the country is adding over 12 million people to the workforce every year. Coupled with this growth and development, the country’s mobility needs have also grown tremendously. Bus-based public transport in India is ...