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iMove Project in Europe

Following recent mega-trends in the mobile and sharing economy, and thanks to the latest ITS developments, Mobility as a Service schemes are seen as the way citizens will use to move themselves and their goods in the future. Jaspal Singh, Head, UITP India writes on iMove project, funded by the European Commission within the H2020 framework, that aims to accelerate ...

Smart Parking Management System

‘HawkEye Parking’ mobile app is a commercial application to solve the parking woes not only for Indian market but also for other developed markets as the US, the UK & UAE. The app is launched by Mumbai based JAAN Innovations Pvt Ltd, a company started by four college friends who came together after 25+ years of successful career in their ...

Management of Surface Parking

Policy Alagappan: Enforcement of parking regulations should be approached not only from the authority perspective or from the police perspective but also from the system itself. For example, there might be a very good multilevel car park but again within the authority or within the systems, there is no proper coordination happening. Within 100 metres, I am creating an on-street surface ...

Optimising City Traffic Safety

Traffic management has always posed a challenge in India and it may continue to become more difficult with every passing day unless we start building some intelligence into the way we look at resolving these issues. The solution lies in leveraging advanced technologies and intelligent solutions. Some intelligent traffic management systems are already being implemented in cities like Delhi and ...

FACE FORWARD: The Future of Facial Recognition

Smart roads’ or ‘Smart highways’ has managed to gain ground in the developed world that are intended to be both interactive and largely self-powering. The concept holds tremendous potential for India considering its road network being the second largest in the world and continues to be the most important means of transport. This large road asset can be leveraged for ...

Suitability of Automated Car Parks in Gulf Region

The demand for parking spaces is high worldwide with an estimate of more than a billion spaces. However, due to increased economic activities and diminished land availability in many large cities, multistoried parking structures started to emerge. Multi-storied parking structures started about 60 years ago and are generally classified under two categories – conventional and automated. Automated parking structures are ...

Integrated Freight Logistics and Planning

With the current trend in using the e-market (on-line sales); the global sales are estimated to be around $300 Billion per annum; this means part of the sales will occur within in India. Therefore, the question is “Who will deliver the last mile of the freight to the consumer?” and “How effectively it will be done?” Freight Strategies There are ...

The next generation of telematics technology

Designing a new car is a complex business. From initial design to the first gleaming vehicle rolling off the production line, the whole process takes a long time. Up to four years, to be precise – practically a century when you consider the speed of light at which connected car technologies, including advanced driver assistance systems, are evolving. This means ...

Toll Collection Technology

Tolling as a method of financing the transportation system is becoming common incorporating several technologies, collectively called Electronic Toll Collection (ETC). Open Road Tolling (ORT) with all-electronic toll collection, is now the preferred practice, being more efficient, environment friendly and safer than manual toll collection. Explains, Khali R. Persad, Ph.D., P. E., Assistant Director, Research Engineer at Center for Transportation ...

Volvo introduces new trucks in India

Volvo Trucks has launched three new models in the country – the Volvo FH, Volvo FM and the Volvo FMX. All of them feature improvements in critical areas such as productivity, fuel efficiency, safety and maximizing uptime. Other unique features include the intelligent I-Shift automated gearbox technology optimized for tough and rugged mining operating conditions and Volvo’s Dynafleet telematics system. ...