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Saturday , 27 July 2024

Black box type devices for luxury buses

The Central Institute of Road Transport (CIRT), Pune, in association with KPIT Technologies Pvt Ltd KPIT, an IT consulting solutions and services provider to automotive & transportation companies, has launched an onboard intelligent Event Data Recorder for bus manufacturers and State Transport Utilities (STU) in the country. The on-bus ITS is now mandatory for the 10,000 buses and any future buses funded under JnNURM. The product is the first in the country to be certified by the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) to be compliant with JnNURM II specifications. The EDR records details of a crash and also transmits the data immediately via GPRS/GPS technology to a control centre. The data can be stored by any outsourced agency. This will enable investigating agencies to access the data quickly to investigate causes of accidents. The recorder will be integrated with emergency services so that fire services and police can get immediate alerts about an incident and can rush in to provide relief and assistance. It enhances operating efficiency of the buses with features such as automatic vehicle location, vehicle health monitoring & diagnostics. These features will be managed by the back-end support offered by KPIT at the bus depot using cloud technology and remote diagnostics. The system has a passenger information system and security camera network system that includes features like facial recognition.

The intuitive Human Machine Interface is bus operator friendly and eases route selection task, gives alarms & warnings and has a reverse camera display. The product is also equipped with a panic button for emergency and remote surveillance for enhanced safety and security. The device also analyzes driving patterns including speeding and can warn a driver by automatically reporting malfunctioning of components or a fire.


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