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Author Archives: S Mallikarjuna

Mysore becomes the first official Indian city to implement ITS

While optimum use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for improvement of traffic conditions and safety of road, rail, air and water commuters is much debated in the country, the state of Karnataka has taken the lead in trying to make one of its cities an ITS city. Under the aegis of Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), and as part of the GEF-SUTP Programme, Mysore City has been chosen to be India?s first major ITS city, with the backing of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. S Mallikarjuna, Chief Mechanical Engineer (P) who has put in 32 years at KSRTC and is the Head of its Project Implementation Unit, writes exclusively for TrafficInfraTech on the process of making Mysore an ITS City.