Samarth Softech Solutions Pvt Ltd Traffic Study Solution Traffic study solution uses traditional manual traffic counting method as well as different traffic counters such as ATCC – Automatic Traffic Counters cum Classifiers. ATCC uses latest technologies such as tube based traffic counters-cum-classifiers, loop & sensor based traffic counters-cum-classifiers and in-camera traffic counting using high resolution night vision infrared cameras.
Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor
Automatic Fare Collection System
MassTrans Systems (P) Ltd Automatic Fare Collection System Reliable on-board computer for buses, complete with a ticket printer, quick boarding control and a robust ticket vending terminal. Developed with open systems based on the ITSO, Calypso, VDV-KA and DAX standards. System has networking capabilities via WLAN, GSM or GPRS/UMTS. Operates using contact-less smart cards. Centralised architecture for directing information from ...
Monorail for Delhi
The Delhi government has cleared a proposal for starting a monorail in the national capital. Estimated to cost र1,665 crore, and to be constructed in phases, the tracks and stations of the monorail will be built on nine-metre high pillars. The first phase will consist of 12 stations. Spread over 10.8km, they will connect Shastri Park Metro with the proposed ...
Jharkhand roads to be revamped
In an attempt to give a facelift to the state road network, the Jharkhand government has approved a project for widening and strengthening of 19 stretches of inter-district roads in the state. Estimated at about र540 crore, the project would be financed by the State Road Construction Department. The project, which also includes construction of bridges, will begin after the ...
New rail coach manufacturing unit in Kerala
The Central government has approved the proposal to set up a new factory to make state-of-the-art rail coaches at Palakkad, Kerala. The factory, which will be in addition to the existing coach factories such as the ones at Perambur, Kapurthala and other places, will help the railways to meet the increasing demands of passenger transportation. The Railways will buy about ...
Estronics Systems Pvt Ltd
Bus Destination Display System Stores up to 150 routes with 150 stops on each route. GPS synchronisation. Synchronised audio-visual information inside bus. Multi-lingual display. Automatic Display Intensity Control. User-friendly software to download / modify / create route data in the console through the PC. User interface with LCD and keyboard in Console Unit for selecting the route name, stop name ...
Traffic Counters, Controllers and Classifiers
i4 Traffic Research Pvt Ltd Traffic Survey Specialist Over 20 years of specialist experience. ISO 9000:2001 certified with best-practice methodologies. Offers Video-based Classified Turning Movement Counts, Automatic Traffic Counts, Speed Surveys, Journey Time Studies, Parking Surveys, Footfall Counts, Pedestrian Tracking Studies, Road Safety Audits, Queue Length & Saturation Surveys, Origin-Destination Interviews and Trip Generation Studies.
Metalmeccanica Fracasso India Pvt Ltd
Noise Barriers Also called Acoustic Barriers. Conform to the requirements of advanced European standards EN 1793 & 1794. Design derived from acoustic mapping and design study, a pre-requisite for an effective noise abatement solution. Effectiveness of noise barrier reflected in the IL (Insertion Loss) which represents the reduction of noise. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Metal Crash Barriers Made as per standards set ...
Autolite Industries
Emergency Lighting System 111 PL/NM Automatically turns on when mains power fails and provides illumination by running on battery source for specified duration. When mains power resumes, it begins charging, and battery gets cut off when the light is fully charged. Lamp type: 1x11W CFL, Accumulator: SLA. Battery backup: four hours. Dimensions: 280x83x102mm. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Exit Light Model 250 H/ML A ...
Stalker Radar/Applied Concepts,Inc
Cosmic Traffic Systems Pvt Ltd Cosmic Wheel Clamp Made out of weather-resistant heavy steel with inbuilt locking system and provided with a handle. It can be adjusted to fit 7 to 11 inch width tyres. Double protection to resist cutting and drilling. Soft coated to prevent wheels or rims from damage. Suitable for light motor vehicles and two wheelers. Cosmic ...