It defines ?what? must be done; not ?how? it will be done What is an ITS architecture? To know this, let us first try to understand the term architecture. We all know that ?architecture? is a framework within which a system can be built up. Functionally, it defines what the elements of the system do, the information that is exchanged ...
Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor
Network Visualisation in ITS – Information Exchange holds the key to solution of problems!
It is collaboration in ITS Architecture that brings the result. This, however, is quite natural. As collaboration brings in effectiveness efficiency, it produces the result. And it is the result that matters the most. When we talk about collaboration, it is just not talking over phone. It also means sharing the data, information and facts & figures. In the case ...
ANPR is a very useful tool in traffic management,enforcement,tolling and security
Information plays a major role of traffic management. I would like to share one of the technologies ? Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) that helps to get a lot of information. In Delhi, the traffic condition is chaotic. As traffic congestion causes a huge loss financially. it is important to improve the traffic management system. ANPR can help to ensure ...
Getting ITS to work for you
If we ask the question what ITS is to three people in this expo, it is that there would be three different answers. Is it tracking buses through GPS? The answer would be, Yes, it is. Is Traffic signalling ITS? Yes. It is. Is Tolling system ITS? Yes. It is. Control rooms? They are also ITS. So how do you ...
Procurement and Tendering Process in ITS projects – Before procuring, look where technology is going
Firstly, when you begin to do an ITS project of any size, you need to really understand what exactly you are trying to do. The objectives should be clear and opinions of all stakeholders should be taken. You need to assess how bad your current situation is: how are the delays and road congestion costing you in terms of time, ...
Traffic Transit Management Centres in Bangalore
Transport Civil Infrastructure can be an additional source of income for sustainability writes Dr K.N.Ingalagi, Chief Systems Manager, Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation. Sustainability is the buzzword in the sphere of government run organizations in general, and public transport corporations in particular. This can be achieved by developing robust transport civil infrastructure. It not only provides facelift to the public transport ...
Nation on the move – A lifetime of research into transportation
The role of transportation in any society cannot be underestimated, more so in the developing world where it plays a critical role in human upliftment. The subject is cross-disciplinary and involves a complex interplay of various forces: land use, urbanization, demographic shifts, population growth, economic factors and ecology. Undertaking a study of this subject is a challenging task and Dr. ...
Is Airport Express metro line in Delhi effective?
Ashok Datar of Mumbai Environmental Social Network & Mumbai Transport Forum writes about his experience of travelling by Delhi airport metro line and advocates the introduction of bus services to both the Delhi and Mumbai arirports. As I landed at the old and busy T2 in New Delhi from Mumbai on a December afternoon to attend a National Urban Mobility ...
Road Safety Week
India has reported the highest number of road accident fatalists in the world. As per the directive from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, National Road Safety Week was observed all over India from January 11-17. The 25th Road safety week saw States/UTS/NGOs and other stakeholders/agencies involved in road safety undertake various activities aimed at promoting road safety. The ...
Hyderabad Metro Rail first phase to open in 2015
The eight kilometer stretch of the first phase of Hyderabad Metro Rail between Nagole and Mettuguda, work on which is currently going on full stream, is all set to be opened to commuters by March 2015. The project will be completed by the end of December 2014 and trial runs will be held until March 2015. Major infrastructure of 200 ...