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Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor

Are India’s popular small cars unsafe?

India is now the sixth largest in the world for the production and sale of passenger cars. India could become the world?s third largest market by 2020. However, unlike most other major car producing nations, India does not yet require its vehicles to meet the United Nation?s minimum crash test standards and does not have a New Car Assessment Programme ...

Urban Safety: The two-wheeler phenomenon

Ranjit Gadgil, Programme Director, Parisar, discusses the safety risks associated with the ever-increasing use of two wheelers in the country, and the need to improve public transport. Pune, once known as a ?cycling city? has very rapidly transformed into a ?two-wheeler? city, a process which began in the late 80s, accelerating throughout the 90s. With the turn of the century, ...

Sustainable Solutions to Highway Development

Highways are the country’s lifeline. In India, this sector is saddled with Construction, Operation and Maintenance issues. During the seminar session (Trafficinfratech Expo, November, 2013, New Delhi) on “ The need to redefine the Model Concession Agreement for highway construction”, panel members, Anand Kumar Singh, CGM, National Highway Authority (who moderated the session); Abhishek Mukherjee (who made a presentation), PPP ...

Metro Rail System Need for Standardisation

An increasing number of cities in India have opted for metro rail as the choice of mass rapid transit system. The author takes a look at the issues faced by vendors supplying systems for the metro rail in India as well as innovation and trends in metro rail and mainline rail systems. Urbanisation in India is increasing rapidly – about ...

Reduction of crowding level in Public Transportation Service:
An important policy agenda

The authors consider the effect of crowding, while investigating the attractiveness of a public transportation service in developing countries like India. The important attributes of a public transportation mode choice largely depends on time and cost. They are recognized as primary attributes influencing the mode choice decision of a trip maker. But researchers over the years have identified the fact ...

TrafficInfraTech Expo 2013 -Business,Knowledge Sharing,Networking

“Focused events like this can help the government agencies identify innovative approaches to modernize road and highway construction,? said Oscar Fernandes, Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways who visited the third edition of Trafficinfratech. The Minister spent a sizable amount of time at the show visiting every stall and understanding the new technologies and solutions. TrafficInfraTech Expo 2013 (November ...

Intelligent traffic system gives-transparency in vehicular traffic system

Orderly traffic management system catches our eye whenever we visit the developed countries. However, in India, haphazard traffic movement is the order of the day even in the metropolitan cities, let alone the smaller cities or moffusil towns. More than the traffic management, India has the dubious distinction of being the nation where most of the traffic related fatalities happen. ...

Integrated Control Centre for Metros

What happens when a metro railway system is approved? Consider a case where a metro has three isolated lines ? Line 1, Line 2 and Line 3. The metro follows a distributed management and operational model with each line having its own signalling system. The three lines have different control centres and they operate in different manners. After approval, the ...

Risk Management:Elevated Metros

The importance of risk management in today?s complex elevated Metro projects, where cost overruns in design and construction are common place, cannot be emphasized more. Due to the uncertainty underlying the various elements of work, cost overruns and schedule delays occur. The authors take a look at the risks involved and feel a proper mechanism should be established to capture ...

India is moving towards ITS which is broadening the space for smarter ways of parking?

What are the market segments that Came India services? Came Group is a leader in entrance automation, access control, video entry systems & home automation with renowned brands such as Came, Urbaco & BPT under its umbrella. The range of products includes automatic boom barriers, automatic parking management systems, turnstiles, CCTV, automatic retractable bollards, fixed bollards, specially designed bollards, high ...