Government will construct 1,000 km of expressways under its flagship road building programme NHDP at a cost of Rs 16,680Cr. The main criteria for selection of expressway corridors will be the traffic volume. The decision to give top priority to the highest density corridor, i.e., the Vadodara-Mumbai Corridor (400km) and considering it for the feasibility study was approved in the ...
Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor
“Products and technologies showcased can help enforcement substantially”
Sanjay Mitra, Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) mesmerized the delegates with his Chief Guest’s address on the inaugural day at the seminar that discussed Smart Roads and Highways. Reason? He spoke straight from heart. He made many announcements too. Read on. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) is going to throw up many business opportunities. ...
“We are trying to include traffic discipline in school curriculum”
Dr. Praveen Gedam, Transport Commissioner, Government of Maharashtra believes that computerization with seamless integration of various departments is the key to successful enforcement. He is also of the view that automated testing will become compulsory in a few years. At present, he is busy working out a process that makes traffic studies a part of school curriculum What were you ...
“Our prime focus to use technologies displayed here will be the rural areas”
What type of technologies were you looking at when you came to TrafficInfraTech Expo? Could you find them? We came looking for various IT solutions like solutions for improving management and punctuality of our buses, vehicle tracking systems, RFID for bus bay systems, systems/ technology for women safety, etc., that could be introduced in our buses. I could find some ...
“A bulk of the 38 toll plazas have been connected for ETC lanes”
Leena Nandan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India, assures that most of the toll plazas on the National Highways have been connected in the last one year and that the payment solutions, including payment though mobile, are being given the final touch. The roll-out, she promises, can happen in the next six months. How effective ...
INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT Risks, Returns and Perspectives
Infrastructure Funding has come to play a major role in the field of road infrastructure. This was the subject of discussion at one of the seminars at TrafficInfraTech Expo. Investment dos and don’ts, risks, returns and perspectives from the investors’ and developers’ points of view were some of the aspects discussed. Many contemporary and important subjects were taken up in ...
Redeveloping Bus Ports
Mumbai’s Parin Shah Architects has been appointed to design a transit oriented development (TOD) master plan for four major cities of Gujarat. Architect Parin Shah deciphers the details of TOD which is still a fairly new concept in India, and takes us through his Gujarat projects. Transit oriented design is a new upcoming sustainable approach to planning large spaces. The ...
Transforming Infrastructure through Advocacy
How a voluntary group in Bangalore is pushing for change while shunning the limelight is a community of part time volunteers who brainstorm, blog and promote advocacy of various urban transformation initiatives. Ravi Chandran of TrafficInfraTech spoke with the core members to understand their journey During the period spanning late 2005 and early 2006, Pranav Jha, a successful professional, ...
Managing Thiruvananthapuram’s MG Road
National Transportation Planning and Research Centre has carried out an extensive study on the demand and supply situation of parking on MG Road in Thiruvananthapuram city. Dr B G Sreedevi, T Ramakrishnan and Ebin Sam give a glimpse into the factors and procedures of the study and the recommendations in the parking management plan. Mahatma Gandhi road (MG road) in ...
“It is high time we adopt technology ”
Jitender, Inspector General of Police and ACP, Traffic Police, Hyderabad City feels adaptive signaling system is a basic requirement for any city. He also tells Vidyottama Sharma that Hyderabad City is coming up with automated violation management system, and that non-contact challan system has improved public trust in the traffic police’s work. What technologies displayed at the Expo can be ...