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Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor

Redeveloping Bus Ports

Mumbai’s Parin Shah Architects has been appointed to design a transit oriented development (TOD) master plan for four major cities of Gujarat. Architect Parin Shah deciphers the details of TOD which is still a fairly new concept in India, and takes us through his Gujarat projects. Transit oriented design is a new upcoming sustainable approach to planning large spaces. The ...

Transforming Infrastructure through Advocacy

How a voluntary group in Bangalore is pushing for change while shunning the limelight is a community of part time volunteers who brainstorm, blog and promote advocacy of various urban transformation initiatives. Ravi Chandran of TrafficInfraTech spoke with the core members to understand their journey During the period spanning late 2005 and early 2006, Pranav Jha, a successful professional, ...

Managing Thiruvananthapuram’s MG Road

National Transportation Planning and Research Centre has carried out an extensive study on the demand and supply situation of parking on MG Road in Thiruvananthapuram city. Dr B G Sreedevi, T Ramakrishnan and Ebin Sam give a glimpse into the factors and procedures of the study and the recommendations in the parking management plan. Mahatma Gandhi road (MG road) in ...

“It is high time we adopt technology ”

Jitender, Inspector General of Police and ACP, Traffic Police, Hyderabad City feels adaptive signaling system is a basic requirement for any city. He also tells Vidyottama Sharma that Hyderabad City is coming up with automated violation management system, and that non-contact challan system has improved public trust in the traffic police’s work. What technologies displayed at the Expo can be ...

“We will have 100 per cent ETC lanes by December 2016”

While visiting the various stalls at TrafficInfraTech Expo, Dilip Salunkhe, Chief Engineer and Head of Toll Monitoring of Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) took out some time to speak with TrafficInfraTech How did you find TrafficInfraTech Expo? Will it prove helpful to MSRDC? We execute very big projects like Mumbai-Pune Expressway and Toll monitoring in Mumbai city, and we ...

“This Expo is of great help”

Dr Pravin Mundhe, Deputy Commissioner of Police – Traffic, Pune intends to introduce to the City a VMS system mounted on portable trucks that he saw at TrafficInfraTech Expo. He also plans to eliminate human intervention in issuing challans, just like Hyderabad City did, and have an ATCC in Pune. This is your first visit to Expo. Did you find ...

Editors Page October November 2016

Some facts can be repeated again and again. One such is that India is still facing severe problems in terms of deteriorating road safety. Since India is committed to reduce the number of road accidents and fatalities by 50% by 2020, a multisectoral and multi-dimensional approach is expected. The Group of Ministers appointed by the Ministry of Road Transport and ...

Driving emission tests to check actual performance on road

Soon real driving emission (RDE) tests would be introduced for a more accurate emission profile of new vehicles under on-road conditions in the country. New models of vehicles currently go through mandatory laboratory tests, but global analysis has shown that vehicles produced in line with existing standards generate substantially higher emissions on-road than in laboratory conditions, particularly in case of ...

Smart city programme to focus on mobility improvement in Agra

Agra is all set to receive a make-over as part of the smart city program me of the Union government. The authorities are planning to give prime focus to mobility as a factor of development. As the city sees a large influx of tourists throughout the year, the authorities have proposed to give importance to improving road transportation facilities and ...

Government to connect 700,000 villages with roads by 2019: ET Infra Focus Summit 2016

Delhi, September 27, 2016: The Economic Times Infra Focus Summit charmed Delhi with delegates discussing on innovations in the world of infrastructure, real estate & its trends impacting both India and global areas. It threw light on positive market sentiments & growth, for India’s economy to reach another level in becoming a stable nation, focusing on improving quality of life ...