What are the special features of your Multi-Criteria Spatial Optimization technology? Site & route selection problems are ubiquitous. Examples include • Where to locate ATMs, mobile towers, stores, security cameras, windmills? • What is the most optimal route for a railway line between towns A and B? • How to route & schedule a fleet of buses for company employee ...
Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor
A SIMPLE WAY TO IMPROVE Public Transport usage
The city centres are the most frequented origins and destinations in the region, generating a high number of passenger trips. Auckland does not generate sufficient passenger numbers using public transport to provide significant relief to the road network. Large expenditure on public transport services and infrastructure is not justified. A broad range of public transport optimisation initiatives is required for ...
Editors Page APRIL – MAY 2017
Has the word ‘smart’ been overused? Is it time to move on? Apparently not. Greenfield smart cities will be in the making for many years and the best option perhaps is to get deeper into the concept which is a smart combination of various independent & self decisive components connected through technology. TrafficInfraTech spoke to different smart city consultants to ...
Editors Page JUNE – JULY 2016
This issue of TrafficInfraTech is special to us. We have Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways and Shipping, talking to us at length about his vision of making Indian roads technology driven, efficient and comfortable. He has lined up projects, one after the other, for different modes of transport, and is able to hold them all together ...
Asia’s first and longest bi-directional highway tunnel opened
The recently opened Chenani and Nashri tunnel will reduce the distance from 41kms to 10kms and thus save time by about two hours as well as fuel saving to the tune of Rs 27 lakh per day. The tunnel was thrown open for vehicular movement with its formal inauguration by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on April 2, is India’s largest ...
IR to manufacture trainsets with 160kmph speed
The Railways has recently decided to go ahead with manufacturing on its own trainsets that can run at a maximum speed of 160kmph. Named ‘Train-2018’, the first trainset – a rake without a separate locomotive – is expected to be ready by March next year and likely to be pressed into service in Delhi-Lucknow or Delhi- Chandigarh sector. The trainset ...
DMRC to pursue LEED
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation in collaboration with US Green Building Council and the Green Business Certification Inc has announced the launch of a survey that would rate the energy efficiency and commuter-friendliness of the Corporation. The Delhi Metro has now become the first metro transit system in the world to pursue the criteria laid down under LEED. It would ...
Bhubaneswar to have CPCS
The Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited (BSCL) had recently floated tender for implementation of Common Payment Card System (CPCS), which would enable citizens with payment options for services offered by multiple agencies – Public Health Engineering Organsation (PHEO), Central Electricity Supply Utility (CESU) and parking charges besides public transport. The proposed CPCS can be used to travel by the city-based transport ...
Data Logger
Switzerland based Kistler Group’s WIM Data Logger is a processing unit specifically designed to interface with Kistler’s Lineas WIM sensors. It allow customers to monitor traffic real-time and to gather key vehicle data, such as vehicle weight & imbalance, axle loads & distances, vehicle speed & driving behavior and much more. The key is enhanced conditioning and processing of the ...
Beijing bans higher emission vehicles
Beijing has banned high-emission vehicles in a bid to control recurring airpollution enveloping the city with a population of 21.7 million people. Light-duty gasolinepowered cars that fail to meet the National Emission Standard III will be banned from entering Beijing’s fifth ring on weekdays. Substandard cars will also be taken off the road through annual inspections or spot checks. The ...