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Ahmedabad pilot project for more space to vulnerable road users

The Ahmedabad city police, along with the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and Centre for Green Mobility, is doing a pilot study project on providing more space for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists around traffic junctions. The project, being carried out at Vijay Crossroads intersection, will be extended to more than 30 intersections if found suitable. The study would ascertain the traffic flow, road use pattern, users’ behaviour and give an insight into the problem from the perspectives of both the traffic police and civic authorities. An initial survey done by the Centre for Green Mobility showed a very long traffic signal cycle, illegal parking, poor marking of signs, confusing left turn markings and lack of refuge point for pedestrians. This caused difficulties for pedestrians in crossing traffic intersections and unsafe behaviour of motorists. The pilot project will see new lane markings, lane protection with barricade or cones, marking of parking spots, temporary signage, barricades and signal timing change as per the new design and marking of bus lanes.

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