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Uniphos Breathalyzer

A new improved Fuel Cell sensor, providing better accuracy and much faster response time & recovery time, resulting in faster results and faster recovery. Integration of a flow sensor to measure the volume of sample given by the subject, ensuring that deep lung breath is provided each time. Use of a miniature sampling pump that automatically draws the same sample volume from the exhaled breath and injects into the sensor, ensuring consistent readings each time. Use of a new sample processing technology that measures the area under the curve and not the peak reading, allowing for much more accurate and repeatable results. The other features include positive /negative result indication and large memory capacity (3000 memory values).
Uniphos 395 Mk2 now has the ability to take a photograph of the subject being tested and integration into the Breathalyzer Report. Integration of GPS coordinates and GPS date & time into the report.  Ability to enter all details of the subject using a Key-Pad and automatic remote transmission by SMS.

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