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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Meeting the safety needs

What are the unique features of your road safety products?

Our road safety products have an edge over other vendors in the market as our products are the outcome of confluence of our commitment to provide the best quality road safety products under the expertise and technical know-how of our Korean collaborators.

What were the reasons for going in for a technical collaboration with a Korean company? How has this technical collaboration helped Dark Eye in developing road safety products?

The only reason behind this collaboration was to acquire the technical know-how to produce world-class road-safety products not only for Indian roads, but also for the world market. I feel proud that the vision behind the collaboration has been materialised. The TPM road safety products are one of the most sought after products in their category in the domestic as well as overseas markets.

Your group also runs a chain of hotels. What facilities for parking, especially intelligent parking systems, do you have at your hotels? If not, are you planning to use ITS in parking at your hotels in the near future?

At present we have only traditional, manual parking facilities at our hotels. But, given the increasing traffic pressure and the need to modernise parking, we are considering to install ITS to manage the parking system at our hotels in the near future.

Dark Eye has been in road safety products since 1998. What changes have you seen in road safety in the country since that time?

There has been a huge increase of vehicles on Indian roads since the last 13 years. Along with that, pedestrians and road accidents have also increased. This has revolutionised traffic safety needs. Consequently, the demand for smart and quality road safety products has soared stupendously in the home as well as the overseas market. Road safety has become one of the top priorities of companies in the private as well as public sector. Dark Eye has become synonymous with providing top-notch road-safety products and we have been attracting an increasing clientele from both the markets.


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