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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Case Study: ITMS for enhanced productivity

IBI in association with ITI Limited have designed and implemented an Integrated Traffic Management System at Gandhamardhan mines of Odisha Mining Corporation. Main objective of the system is to enhance productivity to reach the desired output levels, Safety and Transparency.  Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC) Limited is the nodal agency for mining operations in the State of Odisha established in 1961.

After carefully studying the current operations, conducting stakeholders’ consultations, the system was designed to be comprehensive, robust, scalable and secure. Apart from deployment of system, to achieve the project outcomes, infrastructure improvements including geometrics of the road network, setting up of Command Control Centre, training, and monitoring of truck drivers for safe behaviors and monitoring of truck health were undertaken.  

Field IoT systems deployed in the project included the following.

  • 112 different cameras for surveillance
  • 3 Traffic Signaling System at three major intersection point
  • 13 Public Addressable System at mine Entry/Exit and stockyards
  • 4 Emergency Call Boxes at major accident-prone area
  • 21 Automatic Boom Barrier at mine Entry & WB’s for restricted access to the trucks
  • 27 Integrated RFID readers to capture and monitor real time location of the trucks
  • 10000 RFID tags installed in the trucks for automatic data capturing
  • 3 Speed Violation System at high school for girls for monitoring of overspeeding trucks

Software Applications included, a) Parking Management System, b) Dispatch Management System which records all the dispatch trip activities carried out within the mines allowing the user to view and monitor the activities in real time. This is conductive to greater Operational oversight, reduces the scope of human error and increases efficiency and productivity and c) ITMS (Integrated Traffic Management System) for monitoring the traffic and safety in the mine area. The system comprised of following modules – incident management, traffic enforcement, variable messaging system, public address system and MIS & reporting system

OFC based Communications Backbone System was set-up comprising of 30 KM of Optical Fiber Cable network installed overhead with 770 RCC Poles.

OUTCOME Achieved

  1. Enhanced capacity inside the mine thus improved sales
  2. Enhanced system coverage across the mine with real-time monitoring of the all-important locations of the mine.
  3. Enhanced automation and control across operations, thus improved processing time for each truck.
  4. Improved traffic management, thus more no. of trucks ply into the mine for lifting of materials.
  5. Enhanced safety.

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