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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Editors Page Dec – Jan 2020

Mangala Chandran

A good number of pages of this issue of TrafficInfraTech are taken by the coverage of the November 2019 Expos: TrafficInfraTech Expo, Smart Mobility Expo and Parking InfraTech Expo. Rightfully so, this is the Mobility event the Indian Traffic Industry looks forward to every year. Along with its ‘technology character’, the Show also assumes the title of a ‘never to miss’ event for the stakeholders. We are now geared to make the 2020 – Smart Mobility event in September in New Delhi even a bigger success.

Safety is the top priority for the Indian road sector, but there remain a number of challenges we must overcome. While the government and the implementors of projects make an attempt to use technology to solve some of the road safety issues, there is an equal need for road safety education and awareness. The amended Motor Vehicle Act has introduced higher penalties for violation of safety norms and has introduced vehicle fitness test, vehicle recall, good Samaritan law etc. As this issue is going to press, the nation is observing National Road safety Week (January 11- 17). This year too there is an added effort to involve the youth to spread the message: Street plays, Tree of remembrance, Helmet rally, pothole study, safety audit, road safety pledge…

We also have to come closer to the target set while signing Brasilia Declaration in 2015.

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