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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Editors Page June – July 2019

Mangala Chandran

Fortunately, today most of the cities around the world are following data-driven traffic management solutions to reduce congestion, accidents, and pollution. The basic aim of these solutions is to provide accurate information on the conditions of roads, bridges, tunnels, intersections, weather, traffic congestion etc and also to evaluate the causes of accidents and other factors that impact safe mobility. Intelligent monitoring and analytics help traffic control authorities to identify problems. As TrafficInfraTech spoke to different stakeholders in road safety management, what came out clear has been that even if we have good enforcement systems of traffic rules & regulations, an efficient critical care system for accident victims or high quality road maintenance, the most important requirement for reducing fatalities is to have good ground level data.

Equally important for safe and comfortable travel is the implementation of ITS to control traffic congestion and detect traffic rule violations. With our government wanting to implement ITS backed traffic management, especially in the proposed smart cities, the technology providers feel that the ITS market is growing. They also agree that there is a need for a broader, unified framework for nationwide implementation.

When we are talking about Future Mobility, especially in India, Logistics comes on the top of the list. New technologies like IoT, Blockchain etc are redefining the way products have to be moved. We have included an essay on the changes the logistics companies and technology providers have to manage to attain a transparent and efficient mobility of goods. Also getting covered among other areas are India’s high-speed rail project, the country’s first world class railway station and Payment as a Service for the parking industry.

The three-day Conference at the November mobility event in Mumbai offers sessions on multiple aspects of traffic and transport from technology to policies, challenges and vision for tomorrow.

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