RoadPod VT from Metrocount is the latest model that can record up to four million axle hits, continuously for five years, before requiring a battery change or data download. Very easy to install and remove, pneumatic tubes are the most effective and economical way to collect short term traffic data. The RoadPod VT system, in particular, is also known for its greater than 99% accuracy and robustness, with an expected lifespan of 10+ years. Units are maintenance free, with auto-ranging sensors and highly precise internal clocks.
The MetroCount ATTC collects individual axle hits, providing volume, classification, speed, direction, traffic gap and headway data. A unique digital signature embedded in the firmware unlocks the software capabilities. Ranging from simple volume counts to complex statistical analyses and batch processing, signatures can be upgraded post-purchase.
RoadPod® VP is the multi-lane traffic monitoring system which can continuously record every axle passing over its sensors, offering the highest level of detail for a permanent monitoring solution. Designed for multi-lane traffic monitoring, the system can easily merge data into MTE traffic reports.
Embedded in the pavement, piezoelectric strips are a low-profile solution for continuous traffic data collection. Our proprietary installation techniques reduce friction to ensure maximum longevity on even the busiest roads. Users can opt for the remote access add-on, enabling online data download and site checks, making the system maintenance-free.
Very power efficient, the counter uses an internal battery and an external solar panel, recording axle data on the long-term. Thus, the RoadPod VP is ideal for identifying seasonal trends, traffic evolution over time, or transport mode shifts when used together with the RidePod® BP bike monitoring system.