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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Layers of Smartness for Cities

The picture of a smart city contains a list of infrastructure and services that describes the level of aspirations. To provide for the needs of the citizens, urban planners ideally aim at developing the entire urban eco-system with layers of ‘smartness’. There are a number of elements which play an important role in making cities smart.

Mahesh Dandawate Managing Director Samarth Softech Solutions Pvt Ltd, Mumbai , INDIA

City Surveillance

Use of CCTV system with the help of video analytics is very important for enhancing safety and security in the city. The system helps to support police to maintain law and order, acts as an aid to investigation, improve traffic management, monitor unlawful activities and helps protect life and property.

Command control centre

All camera feeds shall be available for viewing by Police Personnel / NMC respectively at any point of time.These experts can oversee the integration of ANPR with the other relevant databases.

Intelligent Traffic Management System is used for increased traffic efficiency; increased travel speed; realtime Information and response and safety improvement. The real-time traffic monitoring and intelligent traffic systems can prevent accidents by recognizing and thus responding to the potentially dangerous situation in advance.

Citizen Portal & Mobile App

Everyone is aware that today no one can manage things without using internet and smart phones. Citizen portal and mobile app for citizen will be the most important aspect of smart cities.

Citizen portal and mobile app must be available for people in smart city with city connect portal, city connect app, Government-Citizen collaboration portal having smart polls, online forums, online communities, idea corner, volunteer corner, notifications and announcements, social media etc.

Flood Sensors

The Flood Sensors will be deployed to monitor and forecast rising water levels during monsoon. Sensors will be installed for water level monitoring (flood sensors) at low lying areas of the city.

Smart Environment Monitoring

Environmental pollution, particularly of the air, is nowadays a major problem that unknowingly affects lives in the cities. Different sensors will be installed all over the city especially in highly polluted areas for smart environment monitoring.

Smart Bins

Smart Bin can be installed in a combination of two bins at a single location for reliable waste collection and monitoring and tracking system. There will be two bins at each location – The goal is to monitor collection of waste integrated with IoT Sensors for monitoring of level of waste.

Smart Bin Sensors

The sensor will detect the level of garbage and communicate the same to the command control centre. There will be different visual indicators based on the filllevel of garbage. Plug and play IoT devices will report real time data to the Integrated Command Control Centre where a war room view of operations, optimized routes are created as per zones, and detailed KPI reports help plan operations.

Smart Lighting

It will be required to get information on the status of working of the installed LED lights, authority will also be able to trigger the commands / alerts to the respective lightning team. All the information received from the application will also go into the analytical layer which will help city in better planning and running of operations.

Smart Water Supply

Water sensors will be used to monitor the water management of the city. Authority will also be able to trigger alerts to the assigned representative stationed at the respective department.

Smart Parking System

Smart kiosks shall be installed for road side Parking management system to get real time status of the availability of parking slots, revenue generation and enforcement related data.

Parking system will be capable to identify vacant parking slots, parking violation in no parking zones, detect registration number of vehicle for safety and violation detect purpose. Kiosk will be connected to Command Control Centre from where various reports related to revenue, parking occupancy will be generated.

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