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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Connected & Smart Vehicle Technology

The telematics industry is one of the fastest growing segments in Transport. Preeti Swaminathan writes on the way this trend will pick up in India.

Market research analysts at Technavio have predicted that the commercial vehicle telematics market in India will grow steadily during the next four years and will post a CAGR of almost 16% by 2020. This analysis identifies the increased demand for vehicle tracking and monitoring systems in the transport sector as one of the primary growth factors for the vehicle telematics market.

Telematics, at its core, is a communication technology for the automotive industry that is based on information generated from and exchanged between vehicle/s and a connected ecosystem. It is a merging of wireless mobility, location-based services & in-vehicle electronics, and is nothing short of a game changer.

Vehicle telematics is in a constant state of evolution denoted by a few distinct phases. The first, which is already widely in use, consists of hands-free calling and navigation. The second phase, also prevalent today, includes portable navigation and satellite radio. Phase three introduces comprehensive vehicle connectivity, and phase four extends this connectivity to an inclusive service network. Phase five enables robust vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure technology.

The Drivers

If we look at personal mobility, what are the drivers in terms of personal experiences? it could be pairing the mobile phone with vehicle system or going to next level like blending it with the cloud-based information and then building intelligence around that to pump-in traffic information or provide live updates.

In the transportation segment, the major drivers are productivity and efficiency. These have tremendous impact on connected vehicles and the way they are effectively managed.

– Sirish Batchu

Sirish Batchu, Head – Advanced Electronics & Digitalization, Automotive & Farm Sectors, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited, says, “From the enterprise or the OEM’s point of view, the key driver in the personal mobility front is to enable the VRM (Vehicle Relationship Management) to understand whether there are any failure, so that the service chain and the entire business process can be upfront ready & as an integral building block in the CRM strategy.”

In the transportation segment, the major drivers are productivity and efficiency. These have tremendous impact on connected vehicles and the way they are managed. It is important to see how effectively the vehicles are being utilised on specific routes and how well are the logistics tracked. It is also important to see how effectively the allocated routes are managed? So, there is a lot more focus on efficiency.

Without a doubt, safety is also one of the major driving forces. Each year 1.1 million people die in accidents on roadways around the world. Vehicle to- vehicle (V2V) communication has the proven capability to significantly reduce the number of fatalities and injuries from collisions. Secondary benefits include improved mobility and efficiency. The same connectivity that saves lives can also be used to transmit important, real-time data that help improve the mobility and efficiency of vehicles by providing information on weather, speed and congestion in seconds. This enables optimized routing and congestion relief.

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