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Chinese cities and traffic management

As a tourist I visited Shanghai, Beijing and Xian recently. I found a few things which can be of direct interest to Mumbai and other cities in India:

• The above cities have few flyovers but several long via-ducts with very efficient design which make a very positive use of space under the elevated roads. This is something very simple and basic which we have steadfastly ignored in spite of the fact that real estate is so expensive!
• The use of bicycles has been promoted very thoughtfully. They have not bothered about the cost / benefit aspects from the angle of motorists. We, on the other hand, are committed to monstrous funds for Coastal Road despite very poor volume of users.
• A variety of methods and approaches are used for giving priority to buses. I saw a much larger share of buses on various roads in terms of road space and passengers.
• The roads are very wide and there is tremendous lane segregation for buses, bicycles, trees and lawns with outstanding markings.
• All buses (King Long is one of the brands) are of very high quality – functionally and visually — and, I presume, they operate at low cost per seat.
• The footpaths are very wide, sometimes too wide but then, they allow bikes and motorbikes on them – for riding as well as parking.
• Car parking is not visible anywhere.

Above all, the Chinese cities are a marvel in civil engineering, urban planning and urban design. We must learn from the way they are designed and managed rather than getting overawed by their sheer gigantism.

Ashok Datar
Chairman, Mumbai Environmental Social Network

Give projects in tabular format

I get new ideas from TrafficInfraTech magazine regularly and get to know of new products and technologies. It will be great if you also add different projects of different cities or states in a tabular format in it. Please include the list of special projects such as Smart City Programmes, Safety, ITS, etc.

– Ananda Shankar
Director – Atkins

One Page for Case Studies

TrafficInfraTech magazine is very good. I suggest that you keep one page especially for Case studies on New Ideas that have been implemented for specific highways. It will be nice to read on that in every issue.

– Kishore Chandra Sahoo
Managing Director
CMEC Consulting Engineers Pvt Ltd

Write more on road nfrastructure

TrafficInfraTech covers the issues of toll collection and automation, and keeps my interest in tact. I also want to see more articles on traffic safety and some technical articles on road infrastructure.

– Ashish K Joshi
Partner – Futurvista


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