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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Case Study: Access Control System for the Barrakka Lift in Vallett

To regulate constant flow of tourists from the port to the historical city center of Valletta, Malta, Came Group provided a practical alternative at the famed baroque, the Barrakka Lift, by designing the access management system.

The Barakka Lift project derives its strength from the rigour necessary to resolve the dichotomy between the strong historic nature of the site context and the demands for better access placed upon it by economic and commercial considerations. The commission envisaged the development of a structure that could transport large number of visitors and residents from the water’s edge of the harbour, over the powerful landward enceinte of fortifications and into the heart of the city.

Today, the city’s walls, once maintained to keep enemy ships at bay, are under conservation order and, paradoxically, are one of the attractions that draw cruise liner ships on Mediterranean cruise routes, carrying thousands of tourists every day to the city. In spite of the changes that have taken root in the life of Valletta, the connection between harbour and city today carries a similar meaning to that which it had in the past.

The Challenge

The City of Malta needed to link up its Valletta tourist port where the passenger liners dock with the upper city – to control the stream of tourists that arrive from all over the world, every day to visit the historical city center and the Barrakka Gardens. The aim was to restore the port-to-upper city link, which until 1973 was serviced by an old lift, while at the same time generate income for the city’s administration. The challenge was to come up with an access control solution able to handle the constant flow of tourists from the port to the historical city center of Valletta that also generate revenues for the municipality. Came Group is a leading manufacturer of home & building automation and security products serving the residential, industrial and parking-system facility sectors to manage large public spaces, city squares and streets. It operates in 118 countries through its 480 branches and licensed dealers.

The Solution

To meet the needs of the City of Malta, Came undertook a sizable engineering project, coordinated by Mekanika, a Maltese system engineering outfit, that led to the installation of two towering lifts connected to an access control system Came was able to manage the flow of tourists heading for the upper city. The access control system was connected to the automatic ticketissuing pay stations to save on manpower.

The connection between the port and the Barrakka Gardens is serviced by two 58-meter high Kone lifts, each able to transport 21 people up the 65-meter tall tower – on to which the lifts are fitted – in just 25 seconds. The access control system consists of 11 barcode-reading, ticket-scanning Twister turnstiles, two ticketissuing PS One pay stations and three Wing turnstiles to provide access to physically challenged visitors.

Twister is a tripod turnstile made by Came, featuring a built-in transponder sensor. The tripod is versatile, sturdy and suited to all transit control needs. It is ideal for areas that see high volumes of pedestrians transiting through, such as in Malta’s upper city. Its outer structure, the tripod arm and the lateral guards are made of stainless steel; it features a built-in electronic board, stop-go lights and display screen.

The electronic board commanding the turnstile features entry and exit controls to let tourists in and out: the tripod locks automatically once a person has transited through, while a preset timed closure locks the turnstile, if no one passes through the opening.

The 11 turnstiles employed for Barrakka’s access control system are highly customised; each is connected to an IP terminal and all are fitted with ticket scanning/reading devices. Disabled people are given transit facilities by three wing turnstiles. These are elegant and sleek in design, featuring a motorised bi-directional swing-wing that can also allow transit in both directions, should it be required.

The stainless steel structure with polished aluminum cover and transparent 10mm thick polycarbonate wing makes them almost invisible so that they blend in perfectly with the prestigious surroundings. The Wing also features a push-to-open anti-panic system, providing safety to visitors at any time.

The access control system is linked up to two PS ONE pay stations: tourists wishing to reach the upper city, must therefore purchase tickets at the automatic pay stations and pass through the turnstiles to reach the lifts which are located where the old lift was originally installed (it was dismantled in 1983) and operated between 1905 and 1973.

The lights in the transit and lift areas are managed by Came’s own Heidomotic system, which is especially suited to create suggestive lighting scenarios and also manage the video surveillance system. The domotic concept developed by Came involves a highly-evolved operation and total coordination of all systems installed on the premises: components and control devices communicate seamlessly among each other. They process data and exchange information work harmoniously as one integrated technological system. So far, the average transit volume flowing through the Came access control system is around 500 people per day.




Raman Sharma
Managing Director
Came India

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