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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Toyota and Teen Vogue launch Safe Driving Campaign

Toyota Motors North America has partnered with Teen Vogue to launch a safe driving campaign, ?Arrive in Style,? a campaign to promote safe driving teenage girls in the US. The programme educates teens about the dangers of distracted driving, persuading them to make a commitment with their mothers to drive safely. The campaign includes presentations in the print, digital and social media. According to studies, about seven teens, aged between 16 and 19 years, died every day in 2010 from motor vehicle accidents. A joint study by Toyota Collaborative Safety Research Centre and University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute in fact found that parents engaging in distracting driving are more likely to have children who engage in similar behaviour. Teen Vogue will feature monthly advertorials, tips and advice from Toyota on road safety and safe driving practices. The online version of Teen Vogue will have videos of viewers and their mothers discussing about their commitment to drive safety safely. Teen Vogue will also direct viewers to the ?Arrive in Style? website. The site will feature Toyota?s Mutual Driving Agreement that mothers and daughters can e-sign and share via Facebook for a chance to win monthly prizes

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