Page 25 - TT Mag Oct 2023 Digital Edition
P. 25


                                                      Abhinav Agarwal, Founder & CEO at
                                                    Futops Technologies, discussed their
                                                    intelligent traffic management system,
                                                    which they were launching at the
                                                    event. The system measures low speed
                                                    and high speed, raises alerts in real
                                                    time, and detects traffic jams or debris
                                                    on the road. These features are based
                     GOLD PARTNER
                                                    on CCTV-based analytics, which can
                                                    connect up to 64 cameras with a single
                                                    node and can run multiple applications    Siddharth Agarwal
                                                    in that node. The system utilises Futops   Sunrise Road Markings
                                                    cutting-edge video analytics platform,
                                                    home-grown in India. It has been
                                                    deployed in Japan and is monitoring 1
                                                    million vehicles every day. The company
                  For example, Sunrise Road Markings   is also planning on introducing other
                discussed the development of a      sensors, like proximity sensors, to
                new type of paint - a metallic paint   integrate with existing systems.
                that would not wipe off easily. The
                product - a metallic retro reflective   Sandeep Pawar, MD & CEO, Kent
                paint  -  could  be  used  on  different   ITS, spoke about a new system that
                vehicles and on the road. Siddharth   will enable free flow systems at toll
                Agarwal, MD, also spoke about the   booths. The system is placed 15
                                                                                              Abhinav Agarwal
                crash barriers they had launched    metres before to scan the cars and       Futops Technologies
                at the last Expo, extensively used in   allow for less stoppage at the barrier.
                mountainous regions where they      The barrier will remain down only due
                cannot take any chances with safety.   to invalid tags or payment problems.
                                                    He mentioned how in India we are yet
                                                    to progress towards free flow systems
                                                    because there is no enforcement
                                                    infrastructure. He believes that this
                                                    solution will address the single entry
                                                    flow system wherein the throughput
                                                    of the lane is increased to almost three
                                                    to four times. He went on to reiterate
                                                    his belief in the global competitiveness
                                                                                           Sandeep Pawar, Kent ITS

                                                                   / October 2023 / TrafficInfraTech  25
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