Page 22 - TT Mag Oct 2023 Digital Edition
P. 22


          Brimming with

          Technology and Innovations

          Innovation was in the air at the TrafficInfraTech Expo 2023.

          Some of the biggest and most innovative players in the
          landscape of mobility shared with Sid Jalan their incisive
          opinions and deep knowledge in the realm of transport
          management, safety, AI, parking management, ITS/V2X, tolling,

          Make in India, and the innovations taking place in this space

                  he expo was an impressive   each of the exhibitors shared
                  showcase of boundary-    exciting plans that they are
                  pushing ideas and        developing currently and for the
                  innovations. Over 20 new   future.  Sajan S, Vice  President-
                  launches and innovations   Innovation & Strategy (Global),
          Twere introduced at the          Norden Communication, expressed
          Expo. Participants were also treated   great interest in the potential of
          to live product demonstrations at   Artificial Intelligence (AI), stating
          the stalls, many of which were   that in India, AI would provide the
          disruptive to the status quo.
                                           kind of customisation required for
           Whether it was crafting new     such a diverse country, providing
          solutions for emerging use cases   the uniformity and organisation             Sajan S
          or building upon existing solutions   that is needed for efficient traffic   Norden Communication
          to address different challenges,   management.

      22 TrafficInfraTech / October 2023 /
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