Page 17 - TT Mag Oct 2023 Digital Edition
P. 17


                                                    Officials like  Prof. Manoranjan
                                                   Parida, Director, CSIR-Central Road
                                                   Research Institute  had specific
                                                   solution to look for “I visited the expo
                                                   with a specific purpose- I tried to look
                                                   at advanced driver assistance systems.
                                                   CRRI works on deployment of radars
                                                   into public transport vehicles by
                     TITLE PARTNER
                                                   which we can understand the safety
                                                   solutions for improving the highway
                                                   operations. The expo platform is a          Sudhendu Sinha
                                                   good opportunity for connecting the          NITI Aayog
                                                   industry with Government agencies
                                                   and the construction industry that is
                                                   taking up the development of road
                                                    For exhibitors who have been
                                                   participating over the years without
                                                   a break, each show imparts
                                                   refreshingly new experiences which
                                                   prompt them to come back again.
                                                   A.L.  Narasimhan,  Vice  President  -
                                                   Strategic Business Alliances, Prama
                                                   Hikvision India Pvt. Ltd said, “We       Prof. Manoranjan Parida
                                                   have been participating in the      CSIR-Central Road Research Institute
                                                   show for over nine years now and
                                                   it has reaped a lot of benefits for
                                                   the organization. We had visitors
                                                   coming from the traffic departments
                                                   of the Government, the police
                                                   departments across the country,
                                                   and had the defence people visiting
                                                   us, the Airport Authority of India
                                                   as well as officials from some
                                                   private sector companies that have
                                                   great emphasis when it comes to
                                                   transportation and automobiles.”           A.L. Narasimhan
                                                                                          Prama Hikvision India Pvt. Ltd

                                                                   / October 2023 / TrafficInfraTech  17
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