Page 15 - TT Mag Oct 2023 Digital Edition
P. 15

                                                                                           COVER STORY

                           “These are all important       How can a platform like this   destination in the world,
                         sensor based devices, The     help the industry? “Application   will have to adapt to all this
                         applications will undoubtedly   of  Internet  of  Things  &   technology. All innovations will
                         be an important contribution   application of advanced       contribute to lower the cost
                         to the Atmanirbhar Bharat     manufacturing techniques       at which technology is made
                         initiative of the Government of   is what has been called the   available to Indian industry
                         India and clearly this is the way   Industrial Revolution 4.0. The   to  become  more  competitive
                         to go for the future and we   next stage of the industrial   globally.
                         expect that domestic industry   revolution is really the application   Talking about the experience
                         will be able to take up these   of technology to industry and   at the Expo, the Secretary
                         innovations on a transfer of   that is where the next wave of   said, “I think it is a very well
                         technology basis and popularize   increased productivity is likely to   put together exhibition. There
                         them and use them extensively   come and India, as it plans to   are over 120 companies
                         in production.”               become a major manufacturing   participating, including research
                                                                                      centres of the Government of
                                                                                      India. So, I am very happy to
                                                                                      see that there are International
                                                                                      exhibitors as well. The expo
                                                                                      has given opportunity for both
                                                                                      national and international
                                                                                      companies to showcase their
                                                                                      solutions/products and this
                                                                                      would definitely help the
                                                                                      cause of utilizing technology
                                                                                      to improve traffic conditions
                                                                                      which will not only be
                                                                                      economically beneficial in terms
                                                                                      of  reducing  vehicle operating
                                                                                      costs and waiting time, but
                                                                                      also be of great benefit to the

                                                                   / October 2023 / TrafficInfraTech  15
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