Page 10 - TT Mag Oct 2023 Digital Edition
P. 10


          QR code-based                       Maharashtra to reduce road fatalities
          ticketing for Delhi                     he motor vehicle department   Additional measures taken for
          Metro                               T   in   Maharashtra     has    road safety include counselling
                                                  conducted several road
               elhi Metro has introduced      safety campaigns, sensitised    rash drivers and making them
                                                                              sign a pledge that they will
               QR code-based ticketing        drivers speeding on highways    not  repeat  the  offence.  They
          Dfacility  through  Paytm           and expressways and counselled   are made to watch road safety
          Mobile App across all its           them instead of fining them,    videos and the dangerous
          corridors. This facility was earlier   resulting in a reduction in   consequences of speeding
          available only on Airport Express   crashes and fatalities said State   which can lead to fatalities and
          Line. Commuters can book their      Transport  Commissioner  Vivek   destruction of several families.
          tickets under the ‘Metro’ section   Bhimanwar. The result-oriented
          of the App by entering the          counselling approach as against   The other  initiatives are
          station of entry and departure      revenue-oriented enforcement    implementing ITMS (Intelligent
          on the day of travel. Passengers    approach led to the motor vehicle   Traffic  Management System),
          need to hold their Smartphone       department being conferred the   deploying high-tech interceptor
          in front of the QR code scanner     SKOCH award for multi-sectoral   vehicles, upgrading public-health
          of the Automatic Fare Collection    road safety improvement strategy   centres near & around highways
          (AFC) gates to proceed with their   last year. Based on this strategy,   and developing an SOP for
          journey.                            the state plans to reduce fatalities   emergency response through
                                              by 50% much before the Centre’s   mapping of trauma care centres
                                              deadline of 2030.               and hospitals along the route.

          Feeder bus facilities in Bengaluru

            n an effort to facilitate last-mile   bus services to be available every   Marathahalli, Kundalahalli, ITPL
            connectivity to ease commute   five minutes during peak hours   and Garudacharpalya. Additionally,
          Iand reduce traffic congestion,   and every eight minutes during   the BMTC has introduced two
          the Bengaluru Metropolitan       non-peak hours.                  more routes, one connecting
          Transport Corporation (BMTC)      According to BMTC, the first    Kadugodi to Kadugodi via Hope
          launched feeder bus services on   route is from KR Puram Metro    Farm, ITPL, Graphite India, AECS
          two major routes from KR Puram   station to Central Silk Board via   Layout  gate, and another  from
          Metro station. This was days after   Mahadevapura, Marathahalli   Kadugodi to Marathahalli via Hope
          the metro rail services became fully   bridge and the second, from-  Farm, Varthur Kodi and Siddapura.
          operational on the Purple Line.   and-to KR Puram Metro station via   BMTC Managing Director,
          There will be as many as 35 feeder
                                                                            Sathyavathi G who also took
                                                                            the bus ride said that the BMTC
                                                                            plays a crucial role in encouraging
                                                                            commuters to use public transport.
                                                                            With the new feeder buses being
                                                                            flagged off by the Minister, there
                                                                            will be around 314 bus trips to
                                                                            cover KP Puram, Central Silk Board
                                                                            and Outer Ring Road, Kundalahalli
                                                                            and other places.
                                                                              Employees of various tech firms
                                                                            who took the feeder bus services
                                                                            from the metro station voiced their
                                                                            relief over the development.

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