Page 8 - TT Mag Oct 2023 Digital Edition
P. 8


          Approval for                        India’s First Namo Bharat Train
          seven bridges in                    flagged off
          Arunachal                                 amo Bharat, India’s first   train, RapidX, was rechristened

                                                    Rapid Rail Train Service   Namo Bharat a day before the
             he Centre has approved
             seven bridge projects in         Nrunning on the RRTS            inauguration.  It  was  designed
          TArunachal Pradesh in the           corridor between Delhi and      by the French rolling stock
          fiscal  year  2023-24  under  the   Meerut, was inaugurated by      manufacturer Alstom in its
          Sethu  Bandhan  Scheme.  The        the Prime Minister Narendra     engineering centre in Hyderabad,
          scheme is a program initiated by    Modi at Shahibabad station,     and manufactured in Savli,
          the Ministry of Road Transport &    district Ghaziabad, on October   Gujarat. The inauguration was
          Highways, aimed at facilitating the   20. He was accompanied by     also the world debut of the Level
          construction of Rail Over Bridges   the Chief Minister of Uttar     3 ETCS (European Train Control
          (ROBs), Rail Under Bridges (RUBs)   Pradesh and other government    System) which is a fully radio-
          and Bridges on State Roads. The     dignitaries at the event. This   based signalling system without
          program is designed to enhance      first phase spanning 17 Km      any trackside equipment. It will
          road safety by replacing existing   with five stations: Sahibabad,   not only contribute to safety but
          level crossings with bridges,       Ghaziabad, Guldhar, Duhai, and   also facilitate interoperability,
          ultimately reducing accidents at    Duhai Depot of the Delhi-Meerut   reduce wait time and enable
          these locations.                    corridor, would be  operational   efficiency. It will be equipped
                                              from October 21 for the general
           The projects include two                                           with Automatic Train Operation
          reinforced  cement  concrete  or    public. In parallel, the Prime   (ATO) over Long Term Evolution
          RCC bridges that will be built      Minister also launched the digital   (LTE) in the future to further
          over the Pacha river at Lachang     commuter app that would serve   increase network performance
          and Goang areas in East Kameng      as a single  platform for ticket   and capacity. The trains will
          district and three bridges on       booking, station navigation and   run at a speed of 180 kmph at
          NH-313 from Roing-Anini road        trip planning.                  a frequency of a train every 15
          to New Chidu village via NHPC         The semi high-speed regional   minutes.
          colony, in Lower Dibang district.

          Counsellors for
          Bus Drivers

              une Mahanagar Parivahan
              Mahamandal Ltd. (PMPML)
          Pis      considering  hiring
          independent psychologists and
          counsellors for bus drivers to
          help them deal with stress and
          anxiety. It is reported that long
          duty hours, traffic congestion and
          being constantly at the receiving
          end of commuter fury, PMPML
          bus drivers are under a lot of
          stress and some even suffer from
          anxiety disorders. This results
          in drivers often breaking traffic
          rules or losing their temper, and
          endangering the lives of many.

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