Page 20 - Traffic Infra Tech Magazine
P. 20
Smart Signalling ‘Traffic Park’ to educate on traffic rules
System at Rajkot Traffic Park, a joint elders can learn driving a be giving driving training
initiative of the
he Rajkot Municipal A four-wheeler. There are to those interested. There
Corporation (RMC) will be Thane Municipal electronic consoles and are simulation blocks for
Tinstalling 45 new smart Corporation (TMC) and entire set-up of a driving seat two and four wheelers,
traffic signals with pedestrian Thane traffic police, is set of a car along with seat belts. adult training tracks,
crossing facility to ease the traffic to educate on traffic rules, The users will be trained amphitheatre, license issuing
chaos on city roads. The entire emergency services and to maneuver the traffic room for RTO, children play
traffic signalling system will be road safety through lane virtually. The park also has area and cafeteria. It is
connected with Eye-Way project. markings, zebra crossings & cycle training tracks and two also aesthetically appealing
The traffic signals will be road signages. wheeler tracks for people with different murals and
monitored and controlled from The traffic park developed to learn bike riding. Various landscaping.
the Nana Mauva multi-activity on a two-acre plot in Kavesar automobile companies will
centre jointly operated by RMC area of Ghodbunder Road
and city police commissioner’s has miniature models of
office. The signalling system
will work on the basis of traffic schools, fire brigade, petrol
movement in different areas. RMC pumps and hospitals for
will be conducting a survey to training. The park also
check number of vehicles passing displays demonstrations, slide
through a crossing every day. shows, workshops, seminars,
Rajkot RTO has 20 lakh exhibition and street plays to
registered vehicles of which one explain the rules.
lakh new vehicles are registered It also has an audio-visual
in the last one year. This include centre where children and
75,000 two-wheelers and 25,000
four-wheelers. Out of 20 lakh
registered vehicles nearly 14-15
lakh vehicles ply in Rajkot city itself. TMC to implement ATMS with the help of Google
he Thane Municipal The signals in the imagery. Google is also
Corporation city will be fitted with planning to implement
HMRL to build parking T(TMC) will soon specific sensors. The such a project for the
complexes in Nampally synchronise the signal traffic density, speed first time and has chosen
systems at prime and time taken at each Thane from India for its
elangana State government has junctions in the city with signal will be studied pilot project.
constituted Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited Google Maps sensors and entered in Google
T(HMRL) as the nodal agency for taking to intelligently manage Maps. Based on the At present, the
up the construction of multi-level parking traffic depending on the crowd-sourced data, signals in the city
complexes in the city. the system will do an operate in a relay as
density of congestion.
The government has constituted a five- intelligent analysis of per predetermined
member committee in which HMRL Managing Adaptive Traffic signal timings. In case timings, which have no
Director will be the convener and GHMC Management System the traffic density at a connection with the
commissioner, HMDA commissioner, TSIIC MD (ATMS) that uses satellite particular signal is high density of traffic. This
and TSRTC MD will be the members. sensors will be adopted. while that of the next leads to unnecessary
HMRL has prepared a scheme for developing This concept was put signal is low, the timing delay even when there
multi-level parking in public private partnership forth in a discussion with of both the signals can is a line of vehicles at
(PPP) mode on build, operate and transfer (BOT) the University of New be managed accordingly the signal as the halt
basis at Nampally. It further stated that the multi- South Wales, Australia. to ease the congestion time does not change.
level parking will have a concession period of 50 The university has at both the points. The new system will
years and the bidder will be allowed to construct signed a contract with TMC have signed an help change the timings
commercial space (floor area) equivalent to the Ministry of Road, agreement with Google of the signal as per the
parking space created in accordance with the Transport and Highway, on using the data traffic density at given
parking policy and building rules. Government of India. mapped on its satellite time on a real-time basis.
20 April - May ’18 / TrafficInfraTech