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Sunday , 8 September 2024

Blog Archives

Common Mobility Payments for Micro-Mobility

As India’s cities expand, the challenges of traffic congestion, pollution, and inadequate transportation infrastructure continue to grow. Micro-mobility –comprising small, lightweight vehicles like electric scooters, bicycles, and e-bikes – has emerged as a promising solution for short-distance travel. However, to fully harness its potential, integrating common mobility payments into the system is crucial, states Preetesh Singh, Specialist CASE and Alternate ...

EV tyres Not just about rubber meeting the road

EVs or electric vehicles do not require internal combustion engines (ICE) to operate. They are equipped with an electric motor and rechargeable battery pack, making their movement on the road unlike gas-powered vehicles and consequently requiring different tyre technology for providing grip, stability and comfort. The rise of EVs globally has pushed tyre manufacturers to innovate and adapt to serve ...

Hydrogen Powered Cars Ready, Get-set, Go?

While the current buzzword in the automotive industry is electric vehicles or EVs, there is a greener option which has the potential to overrun our roads: hydrogen cars or FCEVs. However, multiple challenges need to be overcome before potential turns to reality. The Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle or FCEV, is one that has its own efficient power plant or fuel ...

Variable Messaging Signs to Video and Movie signs A journey not so safe

Worldwide, VMS in traffic management stands for “Variable Messaging Sign.” However, in recent years, influenced by inexpensive  technology from neighbouring countries, for many Indian highways, VMS has begun to mean “Video and Movie Signs.” This shift has undermined the original purpose and design of VMS, prioritizing cost savings over functionality. VMS used for advertisements have become sources of distraction and ...

Innovative Solutions

Revolutionising traffic management and paving the way for safer roads, Pune-based Wizpro Consultech is taking the lead in providing advanced traffic monitoring and surveillance systems. In a recent project on the Pune-Satara stretch, Wizpro showcased its commitment to efficient and dependable solutions for high-speed scenarios. The Co-Founder and Director, Wizpro, Kunal Jagtap elaborates on the advantages of the advanced solutions ...

Digital Twins: A value addition to BIM in the construction space

Along with BIM, Digital Twins are the most evolving and promising technologies that can lead to a revolution in the way construction is done globally. Here we explore the concepts and their most favourable aspects. As is the case with several, or rather most, industries, the future of the construction industry is digitalisation. Constantly evolving technologies such as Building Information ...

Energy Absorption Terminals for guardrails

The design purpose of safety barriers installed on roads is to contain and redirect errant vehicles that either leave the carriageway or are likely to encroach into the path of oncoming vehicles. Using “conventional” solutions in the treatment of a safety barrier is not a good solution, says Diego Santiago González, Engineering Director, ROAD STEEL ENGINEERING, Asturias, SPAIN European standard ...

Chennai: Breaking the pattern of road accidents

From enforcement to accident reduction and awareness to technology, Kapil Kumar C. Saratkar, IGP/ Addl. Commissioner of Police (Traffic), Greater Chennai Police, speaks to Mangala Chandran about the A to Z of traffic management and safety in the City. What is the structure of the Chennai traffic police? I am heading the Greater Chennai Traffic Police (GCTP). There are two ...

India’s Ambitious Electric Vehicle Policies

The Indian government, recognising the immense potential of Electric Vehicles, has taken bold steps to promote their adoption and has set an ambitious goal of achieving a 30% penetration rate of EVs in the overall vehicle market by the year 2030. This article by Dr. Ch. Ravi Sekhar, Chief Scientist & Head TPE and Prof. Manoranjan Parida, Director, CSIR-Central Road ...

Multi-functionality of AI Video surveillance and Traffic management

The buzz around Artificial Intelligence (AI) has pervaded the infrastructure and logistics markets and stakeholders across the globe take a second look at this emerging space. Sid Jalan explores how AI will figure in Surveillance and Traffic Management. India consistently ranks as one of the most dangerous countries when it comes to road safety. It has not gone unnoticed by ...